Thursday, April 16, 2009

What do you think is better? A removable lower retainer or a permanent wire bonded to the back of your teeth?

I am going to get my braces off next month and my orthadontist gave me the option of either having a small permanent wire attached to my lower teeth in order to keep them straight or having a retainer for my lower teeth that I could remove. What do you think is better? Which did you have?

What do you think is better? A removable lower retainer or a permanent wire bonded to the back of your teeth?
Micheal, Micheal, Micheal,

Have you ever heard of super-floss or a floss threader? Your opinion on a fixed lingual retainer is just way off. You don%26#039;t have to build tarter, get periodontal disease, or accumulate plaque if you take care of your teeth properly in the first place. A person CAN floss correctly with a bonded lingual retainer, however many people CHOOSE not too. This is not the fault of the retainer, it is the fault of the person. A threader or super floss can be threaded right through the teeth and the retainer. No problem. Do you think that a three unit bridge causes perio disease? What does a person use on a three unit bridge to get up under the pontic? A floss theader, super-floss, or a proxy brush. All three can be used depending on the bridge.

As to the question: a fixed is the better choice in my opinion. You have to wear it, no taking it out. You can%26#039;t lose it. Unless of course it comes un-bonded. However you have to floss every day. Micheal is wrong, the fixed retainer DOES NOT cause any of the problems he described, not properly taking care of your teeth does. That means brushing after every meal, flossing at least once a day, and not eating a ton of carbs and sugar. Ultimately it is up to you and what you think will work best for your lifestyle.
Reply:wouldn%26#039;t the attached wire be better=this way you can%26#039;t say %26quot; I lost my retainer%26quot;=I was never fortunate to have that luxury of getting my teeth straightened
Reply:i%26#039;ll tell you from experience that after i had braces, i got removable retainers for both top and bottom. Gosh they are very easy to lose. at my friends birthday..i accidentally threw my retainers away! For me, it costed $400 to replace! a permanent wire would be better. i also know someone who has that and she likes it. you%26#039;re lucky that your orthodontist gave you an option. mine certainly didn%26#039;t! go for the metal wire.
Reply:Im a dentist and would definitely get the removable. Yeah, you can lose it or forget it, but a permanent wire makes it impossible to pass dental floss between teeth.

It also accumulates plaque, and calculus, and brings periodontal problems eventually.

Get the removable.


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