Monday, April 20, 2009

6 yr old fell - damaged teeth?

My 6 year old fell today, his front teeth went through his lips. I have a real concern as to if his permanent teeth which just came in will become discolored and if there is a way to prevent it.

My daughter when just learning to walk many years ago had a very similar fall and her milk teeth did become discolored. The dentist said not to worry as it was the milk teeth, but in the case of my son, these are the permanent teeth.

Thank you

6 yr old fell - damaged teeth?
when i was 8 i had my front teeth knocked out. I went a year without them and then got temp teeth after 2 root cannals until i was 18 after that i got metal rods put in my gums and then i had caps put in with look very nice and are strong and dependable. It is a long and painfull procces im sorry you son has to go through it i feel his pain.
Reply:Do his teeth feel loose? If so, I would get him to a dentist ASAP, because he may be able to do something to save the tooth%26#039;s root. It is when the tooth root dies, that causes the discoloring. If this happens, he will need a root canal and they will place ceramic caps on his teeth. A good cosmetic dentist will paint his teeth prior to placing the caps on so the discoloring doesn%26#039;t show through. It looks very natural and is painless. If his teeth don%26#039;t seem loose, he is probably ok, his lips probably cushioned the blow enough to save them from serious damage.
Reply:Your best bet is to go see your dentist or an oral surgeon ASAP. They will need to x-ray the teeth to see if there was any fractures/damage. This could be serious, or it could be minor. How bad is his lip? A surgeon could fix that too if needed. It%26#039;s hard to say what needs to be done without seeing the person, get him an appointment quick. Hope he feels better.

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