Monday, April 20, 2009

My daughter's central upper permanent tooth has not erupted yet and she is 7 1/2 years old.?

The primary tooth there was pulled out prematurely before, it being shed on it%26#039;s own. Could this be the cause for the permanent tooth to delay eruption? Thanks!

My daughter%26#039;s central upper permanent tooth has not erupted yet and she is 7 1/2 years old.?
This is indeed common but does not require the high cost of an Oral Surgeon. If your Dentist, and I am assuming he has a DDS Degree (Doctor of Dental Surgery) can%26#039;t do this simple procedure in 5 minutes or less, I would be looking another Dentist.
Reply:Hi! I%26#039;ve been in dentistry for over 25 years. I would call your dentist and get a referral for an Oral Surgeon. Have him take an xray and determine if this is just very slow or is %26quot;stuck%26quot;. It is easy enough to encourage the tooth to erupt and will require his expertize and surgery. This is NOT uncommon and I have had many cases of this. Typically I try to monitor this for a few months and see if there is any movement. If I feel it needs to be encouraged then I recommend an Oral Surgeon. At this age I would get a consultation and decide that is the best course of treatment. Remember, every child is different, but this is not a wait and see. Please get an expert%26#039;s advise and go from there. If you need any other help in the future, please ask. M


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