Friday, July 31, 2009

Do girls mind if a guy is missing his 2 front teeth?

I got hit in the head with a baseball and my 2 front teeth were uprooted (the permanent ones) and we didn't have money to get ceramic teeth put in so will girls still like me?

I can't whistle at them anymore, so how do I get them to notice me?


Do girls mind if a guy is missing his 2 front teeth?
Just be your self
Reply:A girl should like you for who you are, not what you look like.
Reply:invite them up to your trailer.
Reply:Yes, they mind.
Reply:Give them a big smile, that'll get you noticed.
Reply:Dude, whatever it takes, you gotta get your teeth fixed.
Reply:Honestly just be ur self the girl will like u for ur personality .......not ur looks......geez its an accident...........:)
Reply:trust me they already notice your jack-o-lattern face.
Reply:Some girls might mind but you'll get replacements and it shouldnt be a problem anymore most people wont even notice. No one is perfect and if you are a nice bloke the girls wont give a monkeys - good luck you'll be just fine
Reply:I would suggest, as soon as you can to try and make it your priority. Your smile is is noticed almost a mile a way. I used to be a dental rep.
Reply:You'd be surprised what girls find attractive in a guy. Baldness, big noses, even front teeth missing. She wouldn't be much of a person if she didn't give you a chance because of your teeth. It is all about personality and how you treat her. If you are a honest, happy and attentive person, this will be a good start. As for whistling - I don't think girls find this much of a turn on anyway, so just as well you can't do it any more.

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Spots on teeth?

i recently noticed i have yellowish spots on the back of two teeth i have a permanent retainer due to having had braces and they are directly under it and it feels slightly different there what could this be i brush about 4 times a day and never had any cavities or anything is it plaque?

Spots on teeth?
No. Its tooth cancer. Sorry dude.
Reply:article about spots on teeth
Reply:this probably could be deposits of plaque that have hardened. this is called calculus or tartar. these are hard deposits which cannot be removed by brushing but should be removed with an ultrasonic scaler.these deposits can also get stained and look ugly. get the deposits removed in the next visit to the dentist before it causes gum inflammation and bleeding.
Reply:i don't no what it is, but who eva said u had cancer is stupid.

go to ur dentist if ur concerned

Visual Arts

Crown on teeth?

I wentto the dentist today and they said I have very bad teeth, I brush and floss twice a day but they told me my two fron teeth are wearing aay since I used to bite my nails so much. So they are going to hae to put some type of gel to make it stronger or something.. does anyone know about that? is it permanent?

Also i need 2 crowns but I dont know which teeth i need them on.. are they permanent? is it a silver tooth? I dont want a silver tooth

Crown on teeth?
Crowns can be silver or gold or tooth colored!! Doc W


Permanent filling after a root canal?

I just had a root canal and was told to go back to my regular dentist to have a permanent filling placed in the tooth. It is a front bottom tooth, #26 to be exact. I called my dentist to make an appt. and he cannot see me for 3 weeks! I am a little upset as I had to have a permanent orthodontic retainer taken off the bottom teeth to have all of this done and need it put back on so my teeth don't shift. I also don't want the temporary filling the endodontist put in the tooth to fall out. So my question is how long is too long to wait to have a permanent filling put in? Or is 3 weeks not unusual to wait? I'm just worried because the orthodontist wanted to put the retainer back in the next day. Any responses would be great!

Permanent filling after a root canal?
three weeks should be ok. be careful about what you bite into. do not bite into anything to hard . i can't believe they are not putting a crown on the tooth. when the root canal was done they basically killed the tooth . which now makes the tooth more susceptible to breakage. as far as the retainer goes you should be ok.
Reply:First call your orthodontist and explain the situation. It may be ok for you to wait. If not, then see if they will call your GP. If they won't, then you call and tell them that if they can't get you in you will have to have the retaining wire put back on and the GP will have to work around it [which he won't be inclined to do]. The temporary restoration you have in there now will be fine if you have wait tho.
Reply:At the office that I worked for we would never make you wait that long because your tooth gets brittle after having a root canal done so that will make it easier for you to break or even split the tooth. You should really have a crown done to protect the tooth. Just be careful biting into things when you eat. I would also give your dentist another call and see if he can put you on a call list in case someone cancels there appointment then they can call you to get you in earlier. Good Luck!
Reply:I was a dental assistant for many years and I am certified. I've also had a root canal and probably the same retainer you had on your teeth on mine. My retainer was removed over 2 years ago and my teeth are just starting to shift now. Honestly, I would be questioning your dentist to why he's not crowning your tooth. Root canals weaken teeth because it removes the nerves which are vital for the life of the tooth and seeing as #26 is an incisor (Primary used to bit into rip and tear food) your chances of that tooth eventually breaking are good. As far as the termporary filling just falling out. It's very rare. They are packed in so you should be fine for 3 weeks.

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Removing permanent braces?

I had permanent braces on the back of my bottom 6 teeth for about 17 years and now I want to remove them. I'm 35 yrs old and I take care of my teeth, have no cavities. Just recently I have notice plaque on my teeth between my gums and the cement. That's because it is difficult to clean with a brush and the dentist does not spend the time to clean that area well.

So my question is, can I remove my the permanent braces without losing my teeth at my age? I understand it my teeth will be week because the 6 teeth was supported each other (with the wire). I don't care if my teeth move, I am more worried if the plaque will get under the gums or teeth coating and start some serious problem.

Removing permanent braces?
First of all, let's clear up your misconceptions....Your teeth are not being held together with the permanent retainer; it was there just to hold your teeth straight. They will not be weak if you remove the wire.

Next issue is the amount of calculus building up on the retainer. .. It is the dentist's or hygienist's job to remove all calculus and plaque from the permanent retainer when you are having your teeth cleaned. It is more difficult than regular scaling, but every office has the tools and equipment to do so.

For you to clean these areas it is difficult, but not impossible. Floss threaders or SuperFloss can get through and prevent the calculus from building up.

Your main question is really, can you remove the wire? Yes, you certainly can remove it. Your teeth do shift your whole life, especially if you grind your teeth. But if you are not concerned about that, having the wire removed is a lot healthier for your teeth than having a heavy buildup of plaque and calculus. The health of the tissues should be your primary concern and if you can't keep these teeth clean, by all means, remove the wire.


Permanent retainer diving me crazy?

i just got my braces off and i got a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth and now i cant even enjoy my braces off because it bothers me SO MUCH

whenever i eat my tounge scrapes against the cement stuff they used to attach it to my teeth and it gives me shudders i hate it

they made impressions on my top and bottom teeth which is weird cause if im getting a retainer on my bottom teeth why do i need this permanent one?

is there any other alternative...its driving me insane

i know a permanet one is better cause your teeth start to shift but i would much rather wear a retainer there every night


Permanent retainer diving me crazy?
Reply:Hmmm....You could ask your doctor to make the removable retainers. Whatever they are !

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Brushing teeth and tooth decay?

If a person does not brush their teeth, how long will it take for tooth decay to do permanent damage?

Today ended a 6 month test (it started off as a week, but I kept it going after seeing 0 results) of not using any form of dental-care products. The dentist I visited said I had a very mild case of gingivitis, but had an otherwise perfectly healthy mouth. I had no stinky breath (public opinion on that one), and no dental pain or malady at all.

I've never had a cavity, and have never taken especially careful care of my teeth. My diet consisted mainly of pasta/dairy/vegetables, with small servings of fruit, tea, and the occasional meal of meat. I eat almost no sugary candy-like foods and rarely drink soda.

So is it genetic? Dietary? Or perhaps tooth-care is simply just another market where people are told that they must buy many different products or else their teeth will fall out?

Sincere answers only, please. Non-constructive posts will be deleted.

Brushing teeth and tooth decay?
i think its because you don't drink soda, which is acidic on your enamel and you don't have sweets which does the same. My husband seriously hasn't brushed his teeth in over 3 years, he just rinses with listerine everyday and uses toothpicks regularly.. His dentist did say that his teeth would fall out in about 10 years if he didn't get his gingevitis taken care of, but he does eat alot of meat , spicy foods and about 1 liter bottle of soda every day for the past 5 years.
Reply:You might enjoy seeing your healthy, pink gums and white, clean teeth but little did you know that more than having twice a day routine oral hygiene regimen, there is a much overlooked component. You may be surprised to learn that healthy gums require saliva to remain healthy in between brushings. Saliva as the watery substance in the mouth that seems to collect as the scent of delicious treats reaches the nostrils, but it is much more powerful than just being useful for proper digestion. As a matter of fact, the spittle in the mouth may be mostly water, but in addition to that it also contains electrolytes and most importantly enzymes that are known to attack, fight, and destroy bacteria.

To achieve and maintain healthy gums and mouth, the necessity of saliva goes further than simply having antibacterial fighting properties. Since saliva is directly a part of the digestive process, it serves to break down food, and frequently minute food particles are lodged between teeth. Without the aid of saliva, these particles may remain in between the teeth and there have the opportunity to provide fodder for bacteria. With the saliva, however, these particles are being at least partially digested to such an extent as to permit dislodging from their dangerous locale; when the time for your next routine oral hygiene activities rolls around, these particles may already be gone.


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My permanent retainer is not working?

I have a permanent retainer on the back of my front 6 bottom teeth. I got a permanent one after I got my braces off for the second time (I had braces twice because my teeth moved after the first time). Now, even the permanent retainer isnt keeping my teeth from moving. One of my front bottom teeth has moved very much out of line with the others, but it is still glued to the retainer. This retainer was supposed to work for basically the rest of my life, and after just two months, it isnt working. Why is this and what should I do while I am waiting to get into the orthodontist?

My permanent retainer is not working?
Not sure of "Why", but if the wire is still glued to the tooth it should not move. Its possible that they may have to light a of wire which wont be strong enough to hold your teeth. I would call them and let them know that it is moving and want to get in asap. They should not charge you for this.
Reply:well if you cant get into the orthodontist, you cant do anything.
Reply:Do you have a removable retainer that you could wear in the mean time? I agree, you should call your orthodontist and let them know what is happening. 1-2 weeks will likely not be a problem, but more than that could allow further shifting.

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Can I get my money back on a crown, do not have permanent one in, just want the tooth pulled - too much pain!?

I have had 2 temporary crowns so far and the dentist told me initially that I may need a root canal, it was hard to tell if the decay had actually gotten to the root or not. I said I could NOT afford a root canal and a crown, but she said she could not fill the tooth and had to put a crown on. So I did not get the root canal. Well after the 1st temp crown was on I was fine and then the permanent was in (3 months later) and they removed the temp and before she put it on she decided it was not done correctly and not the right shape so she would not put it on - they sent it back out. She put another temp crown on and off I went. Well since then I have been in pain - with the pain worsening daily - right now NOTHING will relieve the pain (I had to leave work early and call in sick today and probably lost my job of 7 years because of this tooth)!

So I have an appointment (after she has refused to give me an appoint 3 times - telling me that I need to go see someone for the root canal)

Can I get my money back on a crown, do not have permanent one in, just want the tooth pulled - too much pain!?
Most likely not, if she has been doing work. But you never know, ask the dentist (make sure you give her some puppy dog eyes and maybe a tear) if she could some how do something to reduce the bill since the crown didn't work out. Many times a dentist will reduce bills for patients without insurance. Ask....worse thing she can say is, "no"

Hope your mouth feels better. Been there and I feel for you (emotionally, not physically, sorry)
Reply:If there was ever a need for some regulation, it's in the dental profession. I'm so sorry to hear of you plight. I doubt if you'll ever get the money back and good luck with getting them to give up your money bag and pull it!
Reply:The problem is that she already did most of the work when she prepped the tooth for a crown. The cost is mostly in her time and skill to t=do the prep. It would not be fair for you to ask for it all back. Perhaps ask for a partial refund, and her to forgive the balance.
Reply:Believe me, I feel your pain - I've always had bad teeth and have had several root canals and crowns. I'm ready to just have all my teeth pulled and get dentures, but am having trouble finding a dentist to do it. As for having your tooth pulled, that will get rid of the pain but your other teeth will start to shift and you may wind up with gaps where you don't want them. And even having the root canal and crown won't end your problems - as time goes by and your gums recede a bit around the crown, bacteria can still get in and decay the stub of your tooth. Good luck, hope you get some relief!
Reply:If you want your money back on some dental treatment, you need to talk to the dentist or the office administrator. They can decide if the treatment fee can be refunded to you.

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What are the effects of permanent (mercury content) tooth filling.?

I work at a dentist and I have some old mercury fillings in my own mouth. I would definitely not put any new mercury into my mouth but would not have the ones I already have serially removed. if you do choose to have yours removed, have the dentist use a rubber dam while drilling out the old filling so as not to ingest the mercury. This will not make the dentist very happy but it isthe only way to make sure your exposure to excess mercury and amalagam is small.

Some people have pain in joints and arthritis type complaints that they attribute to mercury but I have seen no real proof that this is from a persons fillings.

What are the effects of permanent (mercury content) tooth filling.?
Im 51 and had mercury type fillings for 30+ years and it hasnt affected me........I WANT TO BREAK FREE HE I WANT TO BREAK FREE YE-AH !

(freddie- the king)
Reply:You won't die, your head won't fall off and you won't get sick~

Amalgam material is stronger than composite material, so when placed in posterior, or back, teeth, will do it's job under the strength of your chewing...the filling is less-likely to crack under pressure and won't wash out after a period of time.

The amount of mercury, mixed with the powdered alloy, is so minute.... it's not like you're drinking straight mercury.

You'll be fine.

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Is there any way to whiten your teeth without stripping the enamel off?

I have tried peroxide, apple cider vinegar, crest white strips and other whitening products, all leave my teeth feeling rough and very very painful when i eat sweets or hot/cold drinks. I am afraid if this is a permanent damage to my teeth because i dont want to get cavities and i would like my teeth to be glossy again. What can i do to make them less sensitive? Should i stop all whiteneing remedies?

Is there any way to whiten your teeth without stripping the enamel off?
You should stop over bleaching your teeth, to cool off the sensitivity. Crest white strips is the best method you've tried. It will not cause any damage to your teeth, and it won't wear off the enamel etc. You can make your teeth less sensitive by using fluoride toothpaste.

also you should use a weaker crest whitestrips product. Choose your crest whitestrips model from this article:
Reply:Yes, Royal Body Care has a product called Micro-Brite... It is all natural and works great!

here is a link to the site so you can learn more about it...

Reply:Try using Crest pre-brush mouthwash, it is designed to whiten teeth and it doesnt leave your teeth feeling painful, and it really does whiten your teeth well.
Reply:I use Sonicare and never touch other whitenings again. Doc said my teeth are very white. But be gentle. Good luck!
Reply:Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and

are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural

tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries

but certain precautions have to be followed. details

available at

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Whitening teeth?

what is the best and permanent way to whiten teeth? to have a smile like stars?

Whitening teeth?
I have used the Crest Whitestrips.. and they work fabulously... they say they stay white for 18 months...well yes and no... mine havn't gone back to the way they were.. not by a long shot. but they are a lil stained.. (i think because i drink alot of green tea) but if you don't want to spend a whole lot of money by going to the dentist. then thats a really great option! and if in a year or so you feel they are yellowing again.. just grab another packette.....

if you want teeth like the stars then you'd have to go to the dentist and have all your teeth filed down into little points and have enamals put in... (thats the way the stars do it...foolish if you ask me.. but thats their choice!)
Reply:Use Clorox Bleach.
Reply:Crest Whit Strips work pretty good, I used them
Reply:forget any kind of toothpaste, go to your dentist
Reply:use bright smile program
Reply:here ya go enjoy~
Reply:I don't think you can do it's kind of a process. You can do it quickly by having them bleached at the dentist, but eventually you may have to have it done again. I tried Crest Whitestrips and they really worked, but I don't recommend it because it made my teeth and gums hurt for about a month afterward. I really like the Listerine Whitening pre-brush rinse. It's a little pricey, but it's something you can use daily that's safe and does a nice job. There are also a number of whitening toothpastes available now.
Reply:ok i took dental assisting and the Zoom stuff and the stuff the dentist does makes your teeth more sensitive but it works, whitestrips work too if you do it right cause ive used them and they did work so its up to you and there is some sensitivity coming with the white strips so its up to you oh and lay off the smokes and coffee that would help too
Reply:idon't know

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My daughter's permanent left front tooth has not come out of the gum in 3 months. Is it time to panic?

She is 6years old as of 24th December 2007 and her left side front tooth has not come out in almost 3 months. She has a very healthy diet of lots of salads, fruit and milk, and supplemental calcium.

My daughter's permanent left front tooth has not come out of the gum in 3 months. Is it time to panic?
Absolutely not! Just as kids lose their teeth at different ages, they also grow new ones at different times. My seven year old just got her front two through a little before Christmas and they had been missing over 12 months!!! It's nothing to do with health, she is healthy as a horse, hasn't missed a day of school due to sickness the whole 2 years she's been there. That was about the point she lost hers too, when she was six, so I definately wouldn't worry. Her new teeth are looking strong and healthy, it was just not such a great look in the mean time! Twelve months is a long time to have such a big gap.

mens health

My three year old son fell down today and knocked one of his front teeth out. Will it grow back soon?

Do baby teeth grow back? If not, will losing a baby tooth cause a permanent one to grow in faster?

My three year old son fell down today and knocked one of his front teeth out. Will it grow back soon?
~Better hope it does before the baby-snatchers hear about it. They won't believe it was an accident and they will be testing your fist for saliva and DNA evidence. Howerver, according to the medical authorities I consulted, children can grow up to 5 sets of bady teeth if they lose teeth before they are old enough to grow permanent teeth. My dentist is an ichthyologist, and a real shark.
Reply:no, unfortunately it takes the regular amount of time. whenever he will normally get that tooth in, it's gonna take that long. prbably around 6 and depending on some children as late as 7. sorry
Reply:He will still get his adult teeth when he is like 6 or 7. Until then he just wont have a tooth there. A dentist should still be seen to make sure there is no damage to his other teeth/gums.
Reply:No and no, baby teeth do not grow back nor will losing a baby tooth make a permanent tooth grow in any faster. Talk to your child's dentist, if necessary you can probably get your child a fake tooth.
Reply:My niece lost her front tooth around that age...a lot of kids do. The teeth do not grow back until its time for the perm. teeth to come in...around 6 yrs. kind of sad, but at least its not a perm tooth! :)
Reply:baby teeth do not grow back. i do not know if losing your baby tooth would make your permanent one grow in faster. you permanent tooth usually is what pushes up and loosens the baby tooth and makes it "fall" out
Reply:ok i am 12 and that happened 2 me when i was little. ok well the tooth wont just grow in fast. unfortunetly, if the tooth was not ready to come out yet then it wont be in for a long time.
Reply:He'll just have a gap in his front tooth for a long time. Don't worry, it'll look cute! lol
Reply:Off course! it will grow again. the tooth out was not permanent tooth and after all that has to be out. don'y wory that tooth will be back soon and that would be his permanent teeth. a permanent tooth never comes out again but the baby teeth (the teeth that grows first time after birth) once fallen comes out as a permanent teeth.
Reply:No baby teeth do not grow back and the other one will not come in sooner, It will take another few years before that one comes.
Reply:No, baby teeth do not grow back.

The permanent teeth will not come out any sooner.

There will be a long lapse in time that your son will not have a tooth.

See they are inside of him, teeth his front tooth.

It's important that while these teeth are developing, that you check with your local government and see if your water is fluoridated. This will help the permanent teeth to calcify and make them stronger against cavities, when your child is older. (just make sure he's drinking the water)

The first tooth you should see naturally come out is his molar which should be about age 5 - 7, this tooth will come in without replacing any other tooth, it will be behind his last tooth in his mouth. It will come into his mouth, only because it is ready and mostly formed (the roots still need to finish developing)

As for his front should take untill about age 7 - 9 untill you see that permanent tooth come in.

If your son should loose another tooth... IMMEDIATELY put the tooth in MILK and call the closest dentist, and get him to see the child, he may be able to save the tooth.

The baby teeth are important...see you may not realize what functions they serve...

1. Eating - Your three year old son, may not be able to bite into an apple, or a peach...(if he lost more or all of his front teeth) Which will affect his eating habits as he get's older...

2. Room for the permanent teeth - That space that is open, could close...then how would the permanent tooth come out? If it can come out....where will it go if the space is gone?

3. Smiling - After your son realizes that he is missing a tooth (pre-school age, kindergarden), it's possiable for him to be self conscious about it...he may not smile as much, or children may notice he's different...

4. Talking - Developing words takes the tongue to anunciate and pronounce t's, s's, c's, l's, and so on...

I would recommend that if you can, take your child to the local dentist, he can come up with a space maintainer for the child, and maybe even put a fake tooth in to give your son the life he deserves.

{I wasn't trying to be critical, or rude here...I just thought of objective possibilites for your child, that as a father, you may not be able to see, but for us in the dental profession we see every day}

Good Luck!!


Im getting braces, but i still havent lost all my teeth?

how is this?? what will happen when i lose my baby teeth, and get permanent ones will they put braces on those!?!?! helllllpppp soo confused.

Im getting braces, but i still havent lost all my teeth?
I don't know who's your dentist,but the way it is done is to have all the extra teeth pulled at first.I hope the orthodontist will send you back to general dentist with a list that says which teeth he wants to be pulled.That's the way it works.First you get all the work done if you need any.I mean fillings and a good cleaning,and have extra teeth pulled.Then you get your braces.
Reply:you must be really young
Reply:i dont see any point in putting braces on your baby teeth. think you should get a second opinion from a different orthodontist.

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Does chewing tobacco cause tooth loss and permanent browning?

Just curious. I quit smoking a while ago, and when I'm not chewing the nicotine gum, I use chewing tobacco. Does anyone know what the long term effects are IF I brush my teeth right after using it?

Does chewing tobacco cause tooth loss and permanent browning?
chewing tobacco might as well be a drug because it can still give you it it contains something that cuts your gums and then enters your blood stream. ( i think its like fiber glass or something they make instulation out of or something!)just like cigerets it cotains nicotine!it has at LEAST 28 cancer causing useing chewing tobacco is probably the same if not worst then smoking!yes it can cause brown teeth! if you concider cancer as a long term effect then yes there are long term effects! can also cause tooth loss!my best advice is quit asap!!!! if you have family and friends ...even if you have no one, dont die because you decided that chewing tobacco is better then smoking...because theyre pretty much the same....only smoking can get to other people!!
Reply:yes and yes. it will still be possible to give you cancer of the tongue, lips, inside of your cheeks and throat, so dont ever start it.
Reply:have you seen the commercials on television? it would make sense that your teeth fall out.
Reply:Chewing tobacco causes a lot worse than browning, it has been proven to cause mouth cancer...that can be fatal! Stick with the nick gum and stop the tobacco immediately!
Reply:heck yes... it also causes cancer. you should check out this pic:


but seriously, the effects are horrible. and i know for a fact that yellow teeth are a turnoff.
Reply:Yep, tooth loss and nasty breath and then cancer. Don't take up heroin to quit drinking.
Reply:No tobacco is good for gums it also kills bacteria and keeps your teeth strong and healthy. and o did i mention mouth cancer comes free with it .......enjoy....:)
Reply:YES, but more important is that it's been known to causer Cancer!

Think about it, smoking cigarettes is linked to Lung and Throat Cancer, it's made of the same if not similar ingredient's, it is not picky in who it chooses, so why would you not think of this. Brushing will not deter the effects, it may help in a longer time span, when using "chew" all its doing is sitting in your mouth and actually slowly deteriorating the surrounding gums, the bone encasing your teeth, the tooth itself and the jaw bone.

This is not to say "YOU WILL" get Cancer but you put your self at a higher risk.
Reply:it the same effect as if you were smoking it but worst.


Do you need to wear braces if there are spaces on your teeth?

i have spaces between my teeth(after my incisors) and it sucks because sometimes, when i eat meat, little pieces get stuck there. should i wear braces? i'm already 15 and my teeth are all permanent.

pls. don't give in answers like, "go ask ur dentist" or something like that.

Do you need to wear braces if there are spaces on your teeth?
im not an expert (so if you do want an experts answer id avise to see your dentist) anyways when you have spaces in between your teeth you dont necissarily need braces my sister is currentlyy wearing a plate and has to have braces when she is older as her teeth are crookered the dentist said to me that you are supposed to have spaces in between your teeth so dont worry ... enjoy life... hope my answer helped

xoxo peace out oxox
Reply:braces will help. my brother had braces from his mid 20s until he was 30, because of his teeth gaps.
Reply:You should wear braces if you have spaces in between your teeth(permanent teeth). People wear braces at all ages but I usually see people with them in their teens. I've seen adults have braces on also. It's never too late I guess. If you have should think about getting them. First of all, it helps with food getting stuck, and'll have a nice smile when you get the braces off.
Reply:You don't HAVE to have braces if you don't want to it's personal choice really. I mean if it's something minor just ask your dentist for a plate or something. They are much cheaper and aren't permanent. You can get them in custom colors too. Sparkles and glow in the dark, all kinds of choices :)


Reply:you can get braces when you have all permanent teeth. i am getting braces today and all my teeth are permanent. if they are big gaps and you feel uncomfortable with your appearance then go for it!

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What is the best kind of bridge teeth??

what is the best solution for 4 front missing teeth?Removable or permanent?

What is the best kind of bridge teeth??
The best solution is to get 4 implants. They are like screws that are placed in your jaw and then 4 single crowns are fitted over them. These are very expensive and will run you about 3000-6000 per tooth depending on where you live. The next best thing is to get a 6 unit fixed bridge. That means they will anchor 4 fake teeth to either side of the space, so 6 crowns all connected to each other and cemented in your mouth. If the anchor teeth are not stable enough though this will not be an option for you. The final option is to have a removable device made. This is usually the cheapest way to go but not always the best because of problems many patients have with the fit of removable devices. If you decide to go with the removable, go see a prosthodontist. They specialize in prosthetics and will do the best job! Hope this helps!


How to have baby chihuahua teeth removed, a whole set she is 9 months old, weighs 1 lb 11 oz. Is it safe?

Our vet recommended a specialist who is charging $ 590 for the removal and $ 100 for lab work just as a beginning price to walk in the door and they want to keep her overnight... She's never been away from us and I don't want to leave her. Is is safe for a vet to do the removal of the set of baby teeth without having permanent damage to her?

How to have baby chihuahua teeth removed, a whole set she is 9 months old, weighs 1 lb 11 oz. Is it safe?
If your vet is recommending this specialist I would consider it. Just like in human children dogs need to lose their baby teeth in order for the adult teeth to have room to come in. If the adult teeth begin to come in with the baby teeth still there then you could have serious tooth problems later with crooked teeth that disturb the dogs bite causing eating problems. Hopefully, your vet did an x-ray to insure that the adult teeth have formed and will come in once the baby teeth are removed you don't want your dog to end up with no teeth at all.
Reply:what the heck are you talking about?? why are you removing baby teeth??? ugh PUPPY MILL DOG ......
Reply:Chihuahuas are known for bad teeth and she will probably only be able to eat baby food for a while afterwards. If the specialtist is good at what he does then there shouldn't be any problems. Ask him if he has delt with Chihuahuas before. The only problem I can think of is if they are still attached they have delecate jaws and if you pull to hard on a tooth it can break their jaw. But the specialtist should already know that. They will probably be surgically removing them which means she'll be put under and it is standard they keep the dog over night when they do a surgery she'll be fine. Good Price too my Aunts Chihuahua had to have 16 teeth pulled and that cost like $3200.00 dollars.
Reply:Wow, sorry to hear about that. You may want to go to your local and ask the question there. At a good vet, though, your pup will be fine to be overnight without you. Good for you to take care of this now, and to have her spayed.
Reply:Yes, I agree with your vet. although youdont want to leave her overnight, it is the best thing for her. they do this so they can monitor her, if something does happen to go wrong, they will be able to recognize it and help it much sooner than you would if you took her home. i can see that you really care about her, this is the best way to do it. I also believe you would be getting a decent price, you could be charged much more. trust your vet, they have probably dealt with this before.

lots of luck and best wishes to you and your pooch


Does teeth Whitening work?

Is there a product in the USA market that can guarantee teeth whitening?

ive been to maxodent website, yet im not sure if they are worth it

ive heard of crest white strips. does this work also? btw where is their website?

is there a natural way to whiten your teeth caused by too much drinking of iced tea? If ever i will use maxodent or crest, will this be temporary or permanent?

Does using whitening strips only whiten the front part of the teeth and not the back and side teeth?

is there a permanent way to whiten teeth? Does using any whitening products may damage your teeth?

thanks in advance.

Does teeth Whitening work?
Wow! You've got a lot of questions...

I whiten my teeth using products I get from the dentist. I buy either "NuGold" or "Opalescence." (Around $40 for 3 or 4 syringes/vials)

I tried crest white strips, and then requested a refund as per crest's guarantee. I did not notice any difference at all. But it is supposed to whiten the front and back of your teeth.

As for a homemade solution, mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda into a paste. Brush your teeth with this (do not swallow). The mixture lasts about a week if you keep it in a tightly sealed container.
Reply:Those tooth whiteners you can buy over the counter have been known to eat away the enamel off of your teeth. It makes your teeth white yes, by eating off the front enamel. So over time you are unconsciously eroding your teeth. The best thing is a good old fashioned whitening toothpaste. But not one made overseas because they are pr oven to have a higher concentration of fluoride that also eats the enamel off.
Reply:Maxodent has 14% hydrogen peroxide, which is dentist-level.


PROTRUDED AND LARGE upper 4 teeth?

i have protruded upper teeth and i do not want to go for braces.

my dentist suggested me orthodontic surgery where they reduce the size of my front teeth and put permanent caps and also correct the protrusion.


PROTRUDED AND LARGE upper 4 teeth?
Well they can correct the protrusion of your front teeth by putting "caps" (crown) but reducing the size of your front teeth? You mean mesio-distal width? what will happen to the spaces in between. Open spaces....

Again ask for a second opinion. Your dentist can give you a referral to a cosmetic dentist.

city opera

Which option to choose?Any other options available to straighten teeth?I don't want to wear retainers forever.

I have been engaging the services of orthodontists for the last 9 to 10 years (ever since I was 10) to straighten my teeth. I've switched orthodontists thrice as some of them were just interested in ripping me off rather than treating my dental problems.

I really want to straighten my teeth and get it done and over with asap. However, I have a jaw problem that sort of hinders the process of straightening my teeth.

(I'm currently wearing Hawley retainers, the one made of pink plastic.)

I just visited my orthodontist today and he told me that my teeth are unstable due to the jaw problem.He presented me with 3 options for my teeth:

1. Continue wearing the Hawley retainers for the rest of my life

2. Wear braces for 6 months to straighten my teeth followed by permanent(/fixed) retainers (the one consisting of wire stuck at the back of your teeth) for the rest of my life

3. Surgery (for both my upper and lower jaw)(However, my case is not THAT severe, just mild-moderate acc to the doc)

Which option to choose?Any other options available to straighten teeth?I don't want to wear retainers forever.
i have had two friends with severe jaw problems. one chose the surgery and the other chose braces for about 2 years. nearly everyone with braces gets the retainers in the back of their teeth, but it's really not bad. it may bug you for a few days, but i was used to it in after a day or two.

i say go with option 2 or 3. 3 is a super quick fix, but there's pain involved. 2 is what most people choose, but it does take some patience and braces can be a pain. however, it's over before you know it and the retainer is nearly undetectable.
Reply:well number 2 feels the safest good luck !
Reply:Well I'm sorry but no one can tell you any better than your Orthodontist. I'd recommend wearing the braces for 6 months, and the stick on retainer for the rest of your life. I'm very curious as to what "jaw problem" you have.
Reply:i would say the best bet would be to get the braces for 6 months then the retainers. you really dont feel the retainers at all after you get used to them. and if its just the metal ones on the back of your teeth then people wont even notice unless you actually show them. i have had braces, and retainers. so its most likely your best choice. good luck
Reply:i would go with option #3. the others involve permanent retainers that you must live with until you die. the surgery sounds best because the surgery will give you good results and do not involve a permanent retainer.

nanny agency

Braces and teeth discolouration help?

i got braces a week ago and 3 days ago and they were fine for a while.The yesterday i think after eating or brushing one of my front big tooth (you know the one) on the upper jaw became really achy and sentative and hurt alot when i touched it. Then today after lunch it happened with my other front big tooth on the top jaw and now tonight they both are really sensative. Whats happened?

And also about my teeth discolouration. They are slightly yellow with bits of really white flecks on the sides of my teeth that are,whilst small, kinda unattravtive and i was wondering if is there some way to get rid of these after my braces treatment? Because yeah if im going to get straight teeth through braces im kinda thinking it wont be worth it because i will have oddly coloured teeth as a end product and it wont look any more attractive. So yeah is there a way to get white, evenly coloured teeth that is permanent? Please help =)

Braces and teeth discolouration help?
Yeah the same thing happened to me. If you have bands on it make sure it didnt fall off cause that can be the cause. You also may have been brushing to hard or maybe with the wrong brush. remember to brush with the braces brush,brush not too hard and in circularr motions. If it was the food i would lay off chomping down on the hard foods or biting reall hard take it in small steps..thats what im learning from braces:DD

As for the discoloration to make sure it isnt too stained while you have the braces and after you have to brush for 2 miuites with the proper brrrush making sure you get rid of the food and plaque in it..this is part of the cause of the yellowness. Secondly a good iddea would be a teeth whitening. Thats the only one i can think of. I will be getting this after my braces. If its too expensive or you just dont wanna do it thrrough youre dentist i reccomend nightly whitening gel and whitening strips that can be found in most drug stores. You probably wont need this till after the braces tho. It gives it an even colour and youre teeth will be looking straight and shiny! lol had to add that :P hope this helps phewph =0
Reply:I've had braces for about eight months now.

My braces went yellow after I had chicken noodles.

Because of the flavor and some days teeth just hurt, there isn't always a reason.

Also after you get you're braces off most dentists offer free teeth whitening.

Look after you're braces, the better you look after them. The sooner you get them off.
Reply:The purpose of the brace is to realign your teeth, so they are constantly under stress from the brace. So I'm afraid you will be stuck with the pain. Every time you go to have the brace adjusted it will hurt. Sorry

As for the discoloration, cut out tea and coffee and don't eat curries. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss regularly. When your brace comes off you will have pristine white teeth
Reply:Go back to your dentist they may be on to tight.

Oh and get a electric toothbrush as well it will do a better job

My grandson had to use a red dye before he brushed his teeth that way he knew if he had don't it right

Or get some sensitive toothpaste
Reply:Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at
Reply:when they remove your braces, they cut off the metal pieces which are glued onto your teeth. then they kinda grind your teeth to get rid of any left over glue which makes your teeth really smooth. then they polish your teeth to make them even smoother and to help whiten your teeth
Reply:Well for the discloration most orthodontists offer free whitening when you get your braces off. But if yours doesn't you can always go and have them bleached somewhere else. I have the same exact problem as you and my ortho just happens to be one of those places that offers it free.

You may have been brushing too hard, you could have bent the wire, or you may have loosened up a bracket. Or it could just be because the braces are doing their job. If you are really concerned you can go see your orthodontist.

opera sheet music

How can you tell if your tooth is permanent?

i lost a tooth yesterday...and im not sure if i have lost there anyway i can check...other than seeing tht there is a tooth underneath it..cuz i cant see or feel a tooth

How can you tell if your tooth is permanent?
A baby tooth will have all or most of the roots resorbed [dissolved away]. If you don't see any big roots hanging out then it's a baby. It will also look a little hollow inside with maybe some red stuff in it.
Reply:You don't know if it is a baby tooth?? How old are you?? Is it small, or larger, front, back??
Reply:was it really little, if its a big teeth then it was a permanent one,

but i heard people can get 3 sets of teeth but i dont think thats true
Reply:go to the dentist and tell your mom we can't help you here honey !
Reply:There are ways to tell if a tooth is permanent but it all has to do with the bumps on your teeth (called cusps) and the way they are formed, it would be too hard for me to explain as every tooth is different. Your best bet is to go see the dentist, he/she will be able to tell for sure.

p.s. one small clue is that the permanent teeth are usually darker/more yellow than the baby ones.

You should also that if it was a permanent tooth that came out, you would be able to see the remaining roots in your gums from where the tooth broke off and it would likely be extremely painful.


My 5 y/o's permanent bottom front tooth is growing in wrong. How bad is this?

It is growing in perpendicular to the way it should be (ie: | in lieu of -- ). We already know she will need braces but this new development kind of worried me. She regularily sees a dentist but in the last 6 months lots of teeth of fallen out/grown in.

A reply from a dental care professional would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

My 5 y/o's permanent bottom front tooth is growing in wrong. How bad is this?
As you mentioned, some of her teeth are falling out, and more will; that's normal. But your concern about a tooth coming in wrong should be questioned. Children's teeth move around a lot in the early years as teeth are falling out and being replaced. However, it is important that the permanent teeth come in properly. You may want to see a pediatric dentist (a specialist in dealing with children's dental issues), or an orthodontist. A tooth such as that can be "guided" into proper position, but it really needs a professional consultation.
Reply:I took her to the dentist and they aren't going to do anything until her braces are put on. That crooked tooth has actually started to straighten out but I would amazed if it ever looked 'normal' without intervention, though. Thanks for your help! Report It

Reply:With kids, some degree of malalignment of the teeth is acceptable. Over time the tongue and lips and other teeth erupting in will help to push a tooth into proper position. But if this tooth is truly perpendicular (ie 90 degrees to what it should be), then I would be a little worried. Turning the tooth, even a little may help it enough to eventually twist all the way around. I would worry that not turning it now would result in the tooth ending up that way. I would talk to your dentist or orthodontist about it soon.

opera mobile

Can someone tell me if kids lose their molars before getting permanent molars?

Is there a site to find info on permanent and secondary teeth?

Can someone tell me if kids lose their molars before getting permanent molars?
Tom, I agree. I think this list of answers is the most consistantly wrong of any I've ever seen here. Thank you. is a great explanation about losing baby teeth.,1510,53...
Reply:Yes they do
Reply:yes. the new perminant molar pushes its way through the jaw bone and pushes the baby tooth out.
Reply:Yeah kids lose their molars like they would their front teeth before they get their permanent ones.
Reply:Yes they do. they loose there first molars around 12and they are rpeplaced with new one. Then they get more around 17 and then there wisdom teeth around 18 to 21
Reply:Where else would they put them?
Reply:i can't believe how wrong all of these people are!!!!!!!!!!!

the permanent first molars (a.k.a. 6 year molars) usually come in before the kids lose any teeth. after those 4 come in the lower incisors will come out. the primary molars come out around 9 or 10 years of age and in their place the permanent premolars (bicuspids if you're old school) come in. then around 12 the kids get their permanent 2nd molars.


Is it normal for a teething puppy to loose all bottom teeth between canines with no permanents in site?

She has plain soft gum where the teeth used to be and acts like they're sore. I always thought the baby teeth fell out as the permanent came in. I'm worried she might need to see a vet or is this normal.? She's a pekengese/shih-tzu/toy poodle mix. She's almost 6 months old and has been chewing constantly since about 8 weeks of age. This is the first sign of lost teeth to date.

Is it normal for a teething puppy to loose all bottom teeth between canines with no permanents in site?
Yes, it is normal, just as with human children.

If they don't grow in within a month, she should see the vet. Meanwhile, moisten her food.

Note: don't use human teething gel for her, as it is toxic to dogs.
Reply:yes this is normal. if she is acting like her gums are sore, then the new teeth are probably on their way. you can check with your vet to get her some teething gel if you are worried about her discomfort. kindof like they have for human babies.
Reply:Yes, just like human babies.
Reply:yes this is quite normal. my pup lost most of her teeth within one week .... i was woried abouther. but as she teethed and chewed they came through. dont worry.
Reply:yes the puppy will be fine the permanent teeth will come in
Reply:It's normal. New teeth will eventually grow in their place though. I have a 4 month old mixed breed pup and she's been loosing almost all her teeth, except for her canines. I found one on the floor this morning and were gonna put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. lol.

Something you could try though is to wet a wash cloth and twist it up, then put it in the freezer. When it gets cold and firm you can give it to her to chew on. It helps when pups are teething. My pup loves it.
Reply:Short-faced dogs loose teeth easily. It is a side effect of dwarfism. She could have been chewing or pulling on anything--a cloth, a toy, just anything and pulled them out herself. At 6 mo her permanent teeth should be in and her canines should be getting loose and ready to fall out. If she accidentally pulled out her permanent teeth on bottom they won't come back. Are you sure she never had her permanent teeth come in down there and accidentally lost them? It is not unusual for pekes to loose teeth accidentally at all.
Reply:yea, she is just getting older so they are ready to fall out. I wounld worry about it.
Reply:It is normal but can be different with ever dog. My first two I never even saw them loose there puppy teeth. My newest lost them right in front of me. One thing to watch out for is if the adult teeth grow in and they puppy teeth are still there. In that case it can cause health problem and they will need to be pulled. Another thing to keep in mind with smaller dogs is they can be prone to loosing there adult teeth. I met a guy who's Yorkie lost her adult teeth just chewing on bones and by the time she was 4 only had half her teeth left.

In the mean time they make some great toys at places like Petsmart that can be frozen. They make similar things for human babies. They cool feeling can help there gums feel better when teething. My puppy loved them when he was young and still loves them on a hot day now that he's older.
Reply:I haven't seen that happen.. Usually they come out and before you even realize it, they are filled back in.. The fangs seem to be the hardest on them, taking longest to come out and come back thru.. But those little tiny ones across the front.. They would have been the first

to go and then grown back in right away.

Likely the mix, bad teeth genes.

Bonded retainers and teeth whitening?

I got my braces off earlier today and I am going to get my retainers next week. I still have my bonded retainers (permanent ones behind teeth) on the top and bottom. I was wondering if I could use any type of teeth whitening (preferably strips) without harming or removing my retainers.

Bonded retainers and teeth whitening?
Bonded retainers will not be a problem with the Crest Whitestrips as they only cover the fronts of the teeth and just over the biting edge.

Although you didn't ask - some more info for you to consider-

Overall I would say that most of my patient's have had some measure of success with the Crest Whitestrips, some more than others.The results are usually pretty quick, noticeable in the first few days, best in a week or longer.If you can, do yourself the favor of using them right after you get your teeth cleaned as any staining and buildup (tartar, plaque, or orthodontic cement) will impede their ability to work. Also, don't use fluoride toothpaste before putting the strips on (same reason). All of the methods (strips, trays, custom trays, in office whitening) have the potential to make your teeth temporarily sensitive, but will not harm the enamel. If you get sensitive use the product every other day in conjunction with a sensitive tooth toothpaste. You might try to drink dark liquids through a straw and don't smoke. Most whitening toothpastes just remove stain on the surfaces of your teeth and therefore are not so effective. Whatever method you use it will not whiten your teeth for life, as you age your teeth will get darker and may need to be whitened again.

Good luck!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:It's now possible to achieve "dental office" quality teeth whitening, from the comfort of your own home...

Whiter Brighter teeth can be yours in as little as 7 days.You can expect to see initial results almost immediately. Our new teeth whitening strips can have you looking younger and feeling more sexier and attractive in just one week.

Maxodent whitening system can restore the brilliant white colour your teeth had when you were young .Thousands of people have used our strips with outstanding results around the globe.

AMerican Herbal Products Store:

Visual Basic

Vampire Teeth?

How do you find a cosmetic dentist that will give you permanent vampire-esque teeth? Not super long but longer than average eye teeth.

Vampire Teeth?

Get the dental caps. They snap on when you want them and they're high quality. There's a local company where I live that does custom fit caps like the one in the link above and they're pretty cool.
Reply:call around and ask if someone would do this (though do say "minimum" on the vampire'll scare the dentist). Veneers, possibly without preparation, are probably your best option.

Nanny Profile

Can my teeth be saved?

I am 36 years old and I have had peridontal disease for seven years now. I had some treatments but have not had one in almost four years, due to financial problems. One of my teeth moves less than a millimeter,horizontal mobility, but also has moved vertical as well. This vertical move is stable, no moving upwards or downwards, just permanent. Can this tooth be saved?

Can my teeth be saved?
ive got the same problem with one of my teeth. the periodontist that i go to has told me that she can do surgery on it. from what i can gather they remove a part of the bone.

unfortunately this is very expensive the cost is between £800-£900. also if you smoke they will refuse to do the treatment so i have had to give that up aswell, so the money for my smokes is now paying for the damage they done to my gums how ironic is that.


Wisdom teeth problem -please suggest....?

I have broken wisdom teeth since a long time, but now cavity farmed and became sensitive unable to drink cool water.I have consulted doctor temporarily he applied zink monoxide medicine with a rubber type material inside on infected area and prescribed my some antibiotic medicines along with pain killers. Now the pain has been maximum reduced and I am able to take cool water as usual. Whether i have to go for extraction or permanent cementing of teeth immediately or can I wait for some more months.any Dental expert please suggest me what to do..since the teeth appears to be very strong.......

Wisdom teeth problem -please suggest....?
Honestly the best thing to do would be to have then removed. The wisdome teeth can cause many problems many dentist want to remove them even if they are not decayed because they cause so much problems. If you have the rest of your teeth then I would highly suggest to removem them and get the posion out of your teeth. Also an abcess CAN tae your life not immedatly but if you get enough poison in your system you can get sick and die. Start making sure you follow a good oral helth reimin brushing at least 2 times better if after every meal and snack. Brush you teeth in a circular motion in a pattern. then every night before bed after you brush foss you teeth. and use a floride rinse remember you cannot eat or drink for 30 mins after you use your floride.
Reply:just get false teeth, they look better.
Reply:just get it pulled. You don't need it...
Reply:get your wisdom teeth pulled

you may have lots of problems with them growing out, infections under the gums for example (food gets under the gums), you can also get lock jaw from infections like that...

one side of my cheek swelled, got numb, and hurted to open mouth up much to them pulled....only takes about 2 days until you can eat solid a week, back to normal.
Reply:get them extracted fast before more problems occur. i waited to long and had lots of problems too
Reply:im no dental expert but if you need more antibiotics , go to a health foods store and ask them for some sulfer (NOT THE ONE WITH A SKULL AND BONES ONTHE BOTTLE ) sulfer is a natral antibiotic and you can also buy some tea tree oil to put on it untill you can go to the dentist.
Reply:Go get those babies out....Didnt you just read about that boy in the eastern united states that let his go got and infection and it went in his brain and killed him.....Bad teeth and gums are nothing to mess with.Also the germs from the infection can give you heart problems.make that appointment for the extractions...
Reply:To pull or not to pull.

Even though you are not in any pain right now the fix is temporary. Eventually the pain will come back and you will be left with the same problem. The tooth may be strong but that just means that you will be able to have many a painful chop on it. Getting it pulled now is always the best bet. You don't need the tooth anyway. However if you don't have dental through work then I would suggest waiting until you can save a little for it, unless of course you have the finances to take care of it now.
Reply:pull them out or more damage may occur.if you find yourself in jail (i hope you dont)they will pull them out for free ,so they can meet thier quota. good luck
Reply:If I were you I'd yank those suckers out! but you seem to be cautious so, pick which procedure will have less pain during and after.
Reply:Ask the doctor whether root canal can be done. If not, get it removed. To extract wisdom tooth, they generally charge double. If you wait for some time, you will be spending more for your other treatment from time to time. It will be economical for you to get it extracted now itself.
Reply:wisdom tooth are vestigial................jss get em removed...............u know.......the cavity can spread to adjscent teeeth.............................i got it removed surgically recently..........they are problematic.............!!!!!!!! u dunn need em,..........

consult a good orthodontist asap......!!!!!!!!!!!!


Child with permanent loose front tooth- it that normal?

My 7 yr old front teeth have been in for about 7 months. Now one tooth is loose. She has had no trauma or blows to her teeth. Will it tighten up? Has this happened with any other children?

Child with permanent loose front tooth- it that normal?
If one of her permanent teeth is loose without her having been hit or gone through trauma, it is definitely pretty unusual. Your best bet is probably to make and appointment with your dentist and ask him about it.
Reply:Go see a Dentist Immediately.

Java and C++

Can permanent crowns get be whitened if they were already tinted?

When I was 12 I broke my two front teeth. I am a smoker, so when I was old enough to get my permanent crowns, my teeth weren't exactly white. They tinted the crowns to match the other teeth, but now I want to bleach my teeth. If I do this are they going to end up staying the same color while the others go white, or will they turn white too?

Can permanent crowns get be whitened if they were already tinted?
Reply:no and my dad is a dentist so he would no!
Reply:i dont know
Reply:I just last week checked with my dentist. The answer is NO. They will have to be replaced and that will not be inexpensive.
Reply:Yes, you will have to replace them. I wouldn't be surprised if they find reccurent decay under the old crowns too.

Hope you are considering quiting smoking.

good luck.
Reply:If you bleach your teeth your crowns will stay the same color they are now. Crowns are made out of porcelain and they are made to match the color of your teeth, once that color always that color the only way to change that is to have the crowns replaced.
Reply:Your crowns won't bleach, but your teeth will. So, if you don't want to end up with a "corn on the cub" smile, avoid bleaching!

But anyway, if you're a smoker, bleaching is not for you! It's a formal contraindication to bleaching treatment. If you want to bleach your teeth, you must:

1- Stop smoking.

2- Stop smoking.

3- Get a dental appointment. Bleaching is often a step that follows dental work with higher priority, like treating cavities and gum diseases.

4- Be ready to need a crown replacement.

5- Avoid squandering aimlessly on OTC stuff without dental supervision.

6- Stop smoking.

This is a footpath to success!

safari browser

Teeth Extraction of 3 yr old?

My 3 yr old baby girl has been adviced to go for teeth extraction for the front three teeth of the top. Have the following concerns and would appreciate if someone can help us:

1. She will not be able to sit for the whole process and hence might have to go thru general anesthesia. Is General Anesthesia okay for a 3 yr old? Does it not have any effects after the whole procedure?

2. We have read that removing the teeth may effect the permanent ones and hence some sort of placeholders are kept to avoid this. Can we get some information about the same and like, is it painful, or does it involve another process or are they permanent?

3. The teeth has to be removed due to the decay caused by prolonged breast feeding. Is there another solution besides the extraction by removing the infection or things like that?

4. How much will the whole process will take and till what portion is covered in the Insurance?

Thanks in advance.

Teeth Extraction of 3 yr old?
Hi I am a dental assistant, and this is just my opinion, to be shared or not.

1: I would suggest taking her to a pediatric dentist and letting them give you the best recommendations for sedation. I would recommend following all the instructions that they give you, because they deal with children that age, day in and day out.

2: I have never seen a "place holder" which we call space maintainers put in for front teeth, but then again it is very rare to see a child in my practice this age having front teeth pulled. But again ask the pediatric dentist.

3: I don't know where you were given the "diagnosis" that the decay was cause by "prolonged breastfeeding" because that is NOT what caused the decay. You could have breastfed her till she was 4 and it would not have caused decay, if you had brushed her teeth daily, not allowed her to go to sleep with the milk in her mouth, and had gotten her teeth checked every 6 months after she turned 1. That is just what is called "baby bottle rot", which in your case was not the bottle, but the breast, but it is the same thing. It was caused by the milk sitting on the teeth for a long period of time, not the breast feeding itself. The dentist could perhaps do a pulpotomy and a stainless steel crown, but I do not have x-rays of the teeth, so I don't know if that is an option for her teeth.

4: If you were to have this done in my office the extractions would be $95.00 a piece. Now that sounds high, but it covers the anesthetic, behavioral management (trust me, at that age this is inevitable) and the actual pulling of the tooth. We however do not do sedation for that age, so I am not sure what a pediatric dentist would charge for that, but I am going to ball park it and say about $250 to 350. All insurances are different, as are all plans, so I can not tell you exactly what your insurance will charge. Possible that they will at least pay for 1/2.

AND MARTYK: You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, so you helped this woman zero percent. These teeth would not "Fall out" till this child is 5-6 yrs old. It has nothing to do with a money grubbing dentist. Either the mom gets them pulled or fixed, or this little girl is going to end up with a major infection that could put her in the hospital. Please, don't give dental advice anymore, because you have no real dental knowledge.
Reply:the surgery is safe if you baby is healthy. the pulling of these teeth will not effect the permanent teet. Will not need a spacer either. You might consider getting a pedo partial which is fake front teeth and is fairly inexpensive. the whole process would take about 2 hours, and the medical insurance would only cover the anestesia you would have to have seperate insurance to cover the dental part. Hope this helped.
Reply:1. If you consider general anesthesia, please consider having this done in a hospital setting with an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist present at all times.

2. BACK teeth act as placeholders for the permanent teeth, but the front of the jaws is such an active growth center that you don't really need to worry about this with the early loss of front teeth.

3. You might consider pulpotomies, but if this was not suggested, I presume there is already too much damage to the teeth to make it practical.

4. I have no idea about fees in your area or your particular insurance coverage, so I can't answer. Sorry...
Reply:While the front teeth will soon fall out anyway and some people wonder why get them pulled, there are concerns for different factors..I pulled up this website and hope it helps you..

I hope your darling is ok soon..Its no fun to have teeth pulled for whatever reason,but rest assured he/she is young enough and should not have any memories of this...
Reply:Dr Sam is pretty much on track with his answer, but some add'l thoughts...

1. G.A. is fine for a 3yo; i'm assuming it WILL be done in Hosp OR at at least at an oral surgeon's office.

2. What you have read is primarily applicable to posterior teeth; spacing shoudl be ok w/ the front teeth, although the early extraction may delay the eruption of the perm. teeth by months or a year maybe.

Maybe some pain and discomfort, but the doc will give age-appropriate dosage of pain meds as needed.

3. it may be poss. to do a pulpotomy (this is like a "kiddie root canal") and white acryllic crowns on the front teeth, but often times w/ bottle (or breast) milk decay, there's nothing even left to hold the crown so extraction is the best option.

4. If you have dental insurance, they should cover about 80% of the procedure - 3 extractions free will be about 100-150 each and the anesthesia would be 400-600, i would guess.

Good example tho of how even breast milk (which is good and healthy for kids!) is still full of sugar (lactose) and therefore cavity-causing if left in place too long.

good luck!
Reply:Just find a good dentist, or get a second opinion if you're that concerned.

Time and procedure- depend upon doctor and time for anesthesia. Insurance coverage depends on what type of plan you have.
Reply:I can help a bit. I had dental surgery when I was four - so I'm going on my parent's knowledge, because I don't remember much, except that I got to ride in a wagon to the operating room and they mixed my medicine with kool-aid :) A good pediatric dentist will help you feel at ease. Anyways, my mom is a nurse and she says the anesthesia thing was fine. Actually, she thought it was really nice because it's pretty scary for an adult to hear and see all those things going on, but for a kid? If she's asleep, she'll have a lot better time of it.

Placeholders - I had those on my back teeth. They were connected to my other baby teeth and were permanent, until the teeth fell out. I remember these, since they didn't come out until I was almost 12. They aren't painful at all, unless a tooth is trying to crowd the space, then I guess there might be a little pressure, but not a pain. It will be so gradual that she won't realize it. However, a little girl I babysat lost all of her front teeth in an accident when she was 18 mos old and she didn't need any kind of spacers or anything, so it is possible that she won't need those at all.

As far as the teeth removal, I think you would be best off to have them removed. It's very difficult to start out that early with problem teeth (believe me, I know!)

I'm not sure on cost, but I THINK that if you have insurance, and she goes into the hospital with general anesthesia, that it would cover it like it covers a day surgery.

Best of luck - your daughter has a long road ahead, but it will be worth it. My advice is to watch her teeth and jaw development very carefully and catch anymore problems as soon as possible. I know that it is scary to think about, but you can also realize that in a few years, she won't remember much of this at all. I'm 21 now and had I not had spacers to remind me, I would never have remembered. Likewise, educational psychologists tell us that children do not have fully developed memory capabilities until they are about 4 years old, so there's a large chance that she won't remember a thing. Best of luck to you and your daughter!!







Reply:Okay, I have read LittleMermaid's reply to me, I believe her and will admit that I'm wrong. Therefore, I APOLOGIZE for my remark about the dentists.

I was just sort of shocked that such a young child needed that kind of treatment.

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Pernament Teeth or Not?

I'm thirteen and Im wondering if all my front teeth are permanent, meaning if I pluck them out they wont grow back. I can see the two lower teeth growing all the way back of my mouth too. Is that my second molar growing?

Pernament Teeth or Not?
Your front teeth are your permanent teeth, should you have those removed, you would have nothing but a big gap. And the teeth in the back that are erupting are your permanent 2nd molars. You need those teeth too.
Reply:I had the same problem.

I lost a tooth, and thought it was a permanent, so I rushed to the dentist. But it wasn't permanent, thank heavens.

Just go to the dentist, they have records of all your teeth,

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My son has a permanent rotten tooth?

Is there anyway of removing it he is around 11 years old , Its yellow inside the tooth.

My son has a permanent rotten tooth?
go to a dentist and have it removed, or else, it will continue to rot and hurt. Avoid it by not giving your son to many sweets (such as candies, sugary foods, etc...)
Reply:why would you ask that? he`s eleven hav`NT you ever taken him to a dentist before?
Reply:lol, you have an 11 year old kid and your name is Pimpsta. thats funny. and im sure you could just get him a single tooth replacement. a friend of mine got his tooth shot out with an airsoft gun and he had to get his tooth replaced with a fake one. it looks 100% real. you wouldnt be able to tell even if he told you... well, maybe if he told you...
Reply:Whatever you do, don't have your childs permanent tooth removed. You can save it with Root Canal Tx. If he is 11 and has cavities, you need to go over brushing instructions and take them to a Dentsis for an exam

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How permanent is a permanent porcelain tooth crown?

Depends on a number of factors, primarily how well it is taken care of (regular brushing, flossing, good diet, not chewing ice, etc), the type of material (high noble gold has a tighter seal than ceramics), the skill of the dentist, the strength and size of the tooth. For high noble restorations, including porcelain to metal, I tell my patients 10-20 years, but I have seen them last longer. An instructor in dental school had 4 gold crowns placed more than 40 years previously and they were still in excellent condition.

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My dentist put a permanent crown on my tooth without a root canal and there's pain... Now what?

Part of my back molar broke off and there was pain. I had a filling on the tooth from years back. Part of the filling and a corner of the molar broke off. My dentist drilled around the tooth to shape it for a crown, and also did a pulp cap. Now that he put the permanent crown on, it is very sensitive to heat, cold and pressure. It also hurts out of the blue for a while and then goes away... and then comes back. My dentist almost did the same thing to another molar... I came in for the permanent crown on that tooth... my dentist was out that day. Another dentist did a root canal on it and scrapped the crown. I had to get a new crown after the root canal. I'm thinking my dentist screwed up on my current tooth problem just like he almost did on the previous one. I'm just wondering if the pain is normal and will dissipate after time, or will it need a root canal. Can you get a root canal after a permanent crown is already on the tooth?

My dentist put a permanent crown on my tooth without a root canal and there's pain... Now what?
It is customary to place a crown with a build up on a tooth that has sustained a fractured cusp; this is to keep it from fracturing more cusps or splitting completely making it non-restorable. This is usually due to an old restoration and a weakened cusp that may possibly have been undermined with decay due to microleakage over the years.

Occasionally the tooth has suffered too much trauma, or decay has reached the pulp or very close to it, allowing it to slowly cause the nerve to die. This isn't always evident on an x ray.

Your saying a pulp cap was placed tells me this was very close to the nerve with a slight exposure of one pulp chamber. Your dentist probably placed the pulp cap and a build up and proceeded with the prep placing you in a temporary crown, allowing time to pass, making sure the tooth settled down or healed prior to seating the permanent crown. The build up material is always placed to restore the missing tooth structure and then prepped, or reduced on all sides and top for the crown placement. This is normally done and if the tooth doesn't settle down, then he would proceed with the root canal. This in no way effects the permanent crown placement. The tooth is opened from the occlusal surface to reach the pulp chambers for the root canal treatment to be preformed. So the crown could still be used unless the actual margins (at the tissue) of the prep were changed. This change happens occasionally when the tooth has several fractures or weakened cusps and another cusp or portion of the tooth breaks affecting the margins during the root canal procedure. This would then require a new impression and crown to be fabricated. This is possibly why the dentist, who filled in for your normal dentist, had to have the crown re-made.

It is possible that your dentist was looking out for your best financial and dental interest by trying to save your natural tooth along with the cost of a root canal procedure by placing a pulp cap, which is what is what most try to do first. There are some that prefer to go ahead with the root canal therapy rather than take the conservative path.

The sensitivity you are having now leads me to believe that you may have been hitting heavy on this new crown from the initial seating, causing additional trauma to the nerve. Once a crown is placed it should feel the same as your natural tooth did, not like there is something new or foreign in your mouth. If a tooth is hitting heavy or "first" when a patient bites down and chews, left this way or un-adjusted for too long can actually cause the nerve to die thus requiring a root canal procedure to be performed.

Or it's possible that the tooth has suffered an irreversible trauma from the fractures and the near exposure even with the pulp cap and will require the root canal procedure after all. This would be the more likely scenario since it appears that your dentist has exhausted all measures to prevent this from happening. This alone does not demand new impressions be made, or a new crown to be fabricated with any additional cost added to this crown, only the expense of the root canal. This crown won't be removed, it would be nearly impossible to tap it off unless it's been placed with temporary cement, which is highly possible if he thought it may not recover. The root canal procedure will be performed by cutting a hole through the porcelain and the top of the crown, then filing and filling the canals through this opening and once when finished, will again have a permanent build up material placed where the tooth structure was removed.

The symptoms that you are experiencing now are that of a dying nerve and need to be addressed by your dentist as soon as possible with an antibiotic treatment and pain medication if needed, preferable prior to the initial opening of the root canal procedure for optimal anesthetic results. No, these symptoms are not ordinary for just a crown cementation and it appears they will not dissipate with time and that the only options you have will be that of a root canal treatment or extraction, which the later isn't really a good option to use.

So, from what you’ve stated, the only conclusion I can derive at is that you have an excellent dentist who is looking out for your best interest, financially and with your dental health. Go back and let him take an x ray and examine this tooth to make a proper diagnosis. He very well may tell you that this was what he was expecting, but hoping for different, that this tooth would reverse it's self and save you from having a root canal preformed.

I hope I've been of some help and that you will take my advice as quickly as possible to prevent an abscess from developing due to the nerve dying, which with the symptoms you mentioned; this tooth is displaying those now. Good luck and I hope all works out for you.
Reply:You can get a root canal if you have a crown already on it. You may run the risk of the crown being damaged during the root canal - if it is, you'd need a new crown. If the crown stays in one piece and was recently placed, sometimes you can just put a filling in the hole where they do the root canal.

How long you wait for the pain to subside is up to you. Best answer here is maybe it'll get better, maybe not.
Reply:maybe you went to a fake dentist(happened to me too)

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Will an upper permanent retainer hold a tooth in place that has almost no root and is going to fall out soon?

about a year ago when i still had braces, i had oral surgery to bring down my k-9 tooth and they put a bracket on my other tooth to pull it down, but now that tooth is missing its root and is going to fall out. the dentist suggested an upper permanent reatiner, will that work, and in the long run will the tooth be okay? what are my other options? a fake tooth? i want something where it definitely wont show noticebly because its my front tooth...


Will an upper permanent retainer hold a tooth in place that has almost no root and is going to fall out soon?
nah dont worry, you tooth has no root, but it will create one. just wait. a retainer is not a bad temporary idea, but te best thing would be braces.

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How can you tell if the tooth you lost was permanent?

(Sorry about my spelling D= )

I was curious, how can you tell that tooth you lost was permanent? %26amp; is 13 too old to be still loosing baby teeth(canine)?

How can you tell if the tooth you lost was permanent?
You can still loose baby teeth as a teenager, and unless you had some kind of an accident that knocked an adult tooth out, it would be really unusual for you to loose it. Adult teeth would also have roots.
Reply:No,you're not too old to be losing baby teeth. I'm not sure, but usually the permanent teeth looks a good size bigger than your baby ones.
Reply:Please take a look at this chart as a guideline

As a dental hygienist I know that sometimes people get teeth early and other times they are slow to erupt. A baby tooth will be smaller and probably lack roots as they resorb when the adult tooth pushes on them to erupt. Hope that helps!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:Yes it is you need to go see a dentist


Bruises, and chipped teeth?

Hello, I fell and I chipped my permanent front tooth, and I got a big bruise on my chin. Is there anyway to cover up bruises? I tried cover up make up but that didn't work at all. Also, if you ever got a chipped tooth, when you got a fake one, was it noticeable? Thanks, I need somebody's help.

Bruises, and chipped teeth?
if its done right no one will be able to tell that you have a fake tooth. make sure to go to a qualified dentist to get this done. I'd try foundation for the bruise. it should go away within a week anyway
Reply:My mom had her tooth fixed. I couldn't tell until she told me.
Reply:Dont worry if you go to a dentist with a good record , your tooth will be as good as a original one and as far as the bruises goes you have to wait till they heal and make up wont work..

Reply:I fell when I was a kid and have several fake teeth and you can't tell until you start to whiten your teeth. The fake stuff will not whiten. I had to have it sandblasted off and replaced with the new color.
Reply:Do you still have the chip of the tooth? Show it to the dentist, he might be able to glue it back on.


Lumineers and a Permanent Gold tooh! Should I or shouldnt I?

This is something that i have been soooo attracted to for a pretty long time. I think a single, permanent, gold tooth is very unique and also extremely charming! Im not talking about a whole gril, lit up with colored diamonds and off colored gold. Nothing extremely flashy like the guys you see on mtv. I want 1 bright 14kt gold tooth on the left side of my mouth, I think its really classy! Maybe a little tiny diamond inside?

Do you guys and most importantly girls agree? The few people I have met with a gold tooth have such great smiles and are so charming right off the bat!

What about lumineers also? They seem pretty flawless do any of you have them?

I really really am looking into this, but the only info I can find online is cheap "grillz" that look terrible, nothing like what I want. Your feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks!!!

(if anybody does have a gold tooth, email me a pic! I would LOVE to see it!!"

Lumineers and a Permanent Gold tooh! Should I or shouldnt I?
I think it looks like you had a really rotten tooth that you had to have onlaid, so I don't think oh cool, gold, I think oh he/she doesn't take good care of their teeth.
Reply:Personally I wouldn't like the gold tooth. Years ago when I was in school people sometimes would have a gold one because beleive it or not it was cheaper then getting a crown or cap. People knew they had bad teeth then...
