Friday, July 31, 2009

My three year old son fell down today and knocked one of his front teeth out. Will it grow back soon?

Do baby teeth grow back? If not, will losing a baby tooth cause a permanent one to grow in faster?

My three year old son fell down today and knocked one of his front teeth out. Will it grow back soon?
~Better hope it does before the baby-snatchers hear about it. They won't believe it was an accident and they will be testing your fist for saliva and DNA evidence. Howerver, according to the medical authorities I consulted, children can grow up to 5 sets of bady teeth if they lose teeth before they are old enough to grow permanent teeth. My dentist is an ichthyologist, and a real shark.
Reply:no, unfortunately it takes the regular amount of time. whenever he will normally get that tooth in, it's gonna take that long. prbably around 6 and depending on some children as late as 7. sorry
Reply:He will still get his adult teeth when he is like 6 or 7. Until then he just wont have a tooth there. A dentist should still be seen to make sure there is no damage to his other teeth/gums.
Reply:No and no, baby teeth do not grow back nor will losing a baby tooth make a permanent tooth grow in any faster. Talk to your child's dentist, if necessary you can probably get your child a fake tooth.
Reply:My niece lost her front tooth around that age...a lot of kids do. The teeth do not grow back until its time for the perm. teeth to come in...around 6 yrs. kind of sad, but at least its not a perm tooth! :)
Reply:baby teeth do not grow back. i do not know if losing your baby tooth would make your permanent one grow in faster. you permanent tooth usually is what pushes up and loosens the baby tooth and makes it "fall" out
Reply:ok i am 12 and that happened 2 me when i was little. ok well the tooth wont just grow in fast. unfortunetly, if the tooth was not ready to come out yet then it wont be in for a long time.
Reply:He'll just have a gap in his front tooth for a long time. Don't worry, it'll look cute! lol
Reply:Off course! it will grow again. the tooth out was not permanent tooth and after all that has to be out. don'y wory that tooth will be back soon and that would be his permanent teeth. a permanent tooth never comes out again but the baby teeth (the teeth that grows first time after birth) once fallen comes out as a permanent teeth.
Reply:No baby teeth do not grow back and the other one will not come in sooner, It will take another few years before that one comes.
Reply:No, baby teeth do not grow back.

The permanent teeth will not come out any sooner.

There will be a long lapse in time that your son will not have a tooth.

See they are inside of him, teeth his front tooth.

It's important that while these teeth are developing, that you check with your local government and see if your water is fluoridated. This will help the permanent teeth to calcify and make them stronger against cavities, when your child is older. (just make sure he's drinking the water)

The first tooth you should see naturally come out is his molar which should be about age 5 - 7, this tooth will come in without replacing any other tooth, it will be behind his last tooth in his mouth. It will come into his mouth, only because it is ready and mostly formed (the roots still need to finish developing)

As for his front should take untill about age 7 - 9 untill you see that permanent tooth come in.

If your son should loose another tooth... IMMEDIATELY put the tooth in MILK and call the closest dentist, and get him to see the child, he may be able to save the tooth.

The baby teeth are important...see you may not realize what functions they serve...

1. Eating - Your three year old son, may not be able to bite into an apple, or a peach...(if he lost more or all of his front teeth) Which will affect his eating habits as he get's older...

2. Room for the permanent teeth - That space that is open, could close...then how would the permanent tooth come out? If it can come out....where will it go if the space is gone?

3. Smiling - After your son realizes that he is missing a tooth (pre-school age, kindergarden), it's possiable for him to be self conscious about it...he may not smile as much, or children may notice he's different...

4. Talking - Developing words takes the tongue to anunciate and pronounce t's, s's, c's, l's, and so on...

I would recommend that if you can, take your child to the local dentist, he can come up with a space maintainer for the child, and maybe even put a fake tooth in to give your son the life he deserves.

{I wasn't trying to be critical, or rude here...I just thought of objective possibilites for your child, that as a father, you may not be able to see, but for us in the dental profession we see every day}

Good Luck!!


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