Saturday, July 25, 2009

A dentist, or someone who knows teeth well?

ok i just got my last baby tooth pulled like 10 minutes ago..

im 16 and i already had braces but they never saw the baby tooth..

im goin back in, in a couple weeks and they will be pullin my permanent tooth in..

my question is do you know if im gettin braces on, or brackets around the tooth??

o and the tooth pulled is in the upper left part of my mouth..if that helps any..

thank you

= ]

A dentist, or someone who knows teeth well?
In a situation like this where they have to pull down a tooth from under the gum line one of two things commonly happen. 1. They flap the tissue and hope that the tooth will come down on its own. Sometimes the gum tissue can be really tough, so they "cut" a section of the tissue where the tooth is trapped. Sometimes this action is enough for the tooth to come down. 2. This procedure is kinda the same, they flap the tissue, exposing the tooth that is trapped, they put a bracket on this tooth. They adhere a chain with a small weight to the bracket which helps the tooth come in via the weight pulling it down. All of this may sound dreadful however I have heard very few patients complain about this. There may be other ways to accomplish this however these are the two that I know of.

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