Saturday, July 25, 2009

My puppy (al.1yr.)has a loose lower canine barely holding on & it may be a permanent tooth. What should I do?

We were playing and it became loose and started bleeding. Do I have to get it pulled?, I want him to keep his canines. He was licking like crazy so I think its bothering him, although I don't think its painful? Is it alright if I just leave it and hope it heals?

My puppy (al.1yr.)has a loose lower canine barely holding on %26amp; it may be a permanent tooth. What should I do?
it's ok, and normal. the tooth should fall out on its own.

if you're seriously worried, then call a vet's office and ask them.
Reply:Go to the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:you want to get him to a vet asap.

It could become infected and absess. They may be able to save the tooth, but if there is a crack down there, you will have a major vet bill if you don't do something now.

To the Vet!
Reply:Take her to a vet.They can tell if it is permanent or a baby tooth....So you have a puppy? Don't you just love the smell of puppy breath.?
Reply:If it is barely hanging on, it will not tighten up. If he will let you, reach in and pull it out with your fingers. It probably does hurt him and if you pull it out, it won't hurt anymore.

My little girlie dog has a loose tooth and I pulled it out myself with my fingers. It didn't bleed but one itty-bitty drop and she licked my after I pulled it. That was her way of thanking me for relieving her pain.

Good Luck!
Reply:Generally, I'm not one to rush to the vet for every little thing... with minor skin issues and things like that, it's usually okay to observe for a couple of days and just go to the vet if it doesn't resolve itself. But for this problem, you should get to the vet right away!

If this was a puppy tooth (if your pup was around 4 or 5 months old), you probably wouldn't need to worry because it would most likely have become loose since it was coming out anyway. At a year, you're dealing with permanent teeth, unless a stubborn puppy tooth never came out... you'd know because there would be a double canine in that spot, one big, one small, and the small one would be the loose one.

This may lead to big problems if you don't have it checked out soon, and your dog sounds like he's having some pain, so please get to the vet ASAP!!

Good luck!
Reply:Don't let him hurt- PLEASE, take him to the vet!!! He may need pain medicine for the pain!! A tooth ache is one of the worst pains there is!!

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