Saturday, July 25, 2009

I had my wisdom teeth removed 5 months ago and my left lip is still numb, is this normal or permanent?

should i sue?

I had my wisdom teeth removed 5 months ago and my left lip is still numb, is this normal or permanent?
It could be permanent but will likely improve. It is a very tricky operation because the nerve is very close to the tooth and gets irritated.

Make sure that if you still have little hole or gap where the wisdom teeth were that no food sits in there. Any pressure close to the nerve will irritate it more.

I had my wisdoms out 2 years ago and the numbness went away after 6 weeks, but up to a year after I would get a little numbness of I chewed too hard on that part of my mouth.

Try taking a syringe (no needle) and irrigate it he hole with warm salt water. That might help to dislodge any food that might be sitting in there and hence putting pressure on the nerve.

Suing sounds like a bad option. Your surgeon likely did the best he could and lawsuits only raise the medical costs for everybody else (including you). Lawsuits are one of the main reasons why health care in the U.S. is more expensive than it is in other developed counties. Unless it really was malpractice, you are better off channeling your time and energy somewhere else.

Make sure that your Dr. knows and ask him if he has any other advice.


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