Friday, July 31, 2009

My son has a permanent rotten tooth?

Is there anyway of removing it he is around 11 years old , Its yellow inside the tooth.

My son has a permanent rotten tooth?
go to a dentist and have it removed, or else, it will continue to rot and hurt. Avoid it by not giving your son to many sweets (such as candies, sugary foods, etc...)
Reply:why would you ask that? he`s eleven hav`NT you ever taken him to a dentist before?
Reply:lol, you have an 11 year old kid and your name is Pimpsta. thats funny. and im sure you could just get him a single tooth replacement. a friend of mine got his tooth shot out with an airsoft gun and he had to get his tooth replaced with a fake one. it looks 100% real. you wouldnt be able to tell even if he told you... well, maybe if he told you...
Reply:Whatever you do, don't have your childs permanent tooth removed. You can save it with Root Canal Tx. If he is 11 and has cavities, you need to go over brushing instructions and take them to a Dentsis for an exam

family nanny

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