Sunday, August 2, 2009

I have the option of removing my permanent retainer--should I go through with it?

I had braces for several years when I was younger. After they were removed, my orthodontist placed a permanent retainer on my top front teeth. I had a removable retainer for my bottom teeth (which I eventually stopped wearing, and the teeth have shifted a good deal since then).

I've now had the permanent retainer for almost 8 years. My orthodontist and my former dentist never mentioned anything about it ever being removed. I saw a new dentist for the first time today, and he seemed surprised that I still have it in. He offered to remove it for me, but said that (obviously) I should probably get a removable retainer to wear at night.

I'm not sure what I want to do. I NEVER floss because it's such a pain to work around the retainer. I don't want to end up getting gum disease somewhere down the line, but I also don't want to risk having my teeth shift around (I'm not sure if I can trust myself to keep up with wearing a removable retainer).

Any suggestions?

I have the option of removing my permanent retainer--should I go through with it?
If you have it removed your teeth may start to move back to how they were before.

Why would you let a dentist interfere with your orthodontists treatment. If you have not made your mind up about whether to remove it you should see your orthodontist first to get his opinion.

I don't see any reason why after removing your retainer would leave cavities! If you already have cavities you would still be able to detect them with your retainer on!

I think you need to decide between: flossing your retainer and keeping straight teeth, and removing your retainer, being able to floss easily and having not straight teeth.

You can get a removable retainer once your retainer is out, but then if you forget to wear it, your teeth could move too much to fit it back on, plus you could lose it all together.
Reply:Wow, most people stop wearing a retainer 9 months after getting their braces removed? After 8 years, your teeth really should not shift. I would definitley get it removed and wear the removable retainer a couple hours a day at least.

Good luck.
Reply:You are older now and even if you only wear the retainer every other night while you sleep, you should be fine. The permanant retainer could damage your teeth as it is hard to brush around and like you stated to floss around.
Reply:I would leave it on and work around it. I didn't have a proper retainer when my braces were removed and my teeth suffered. 10 years later I still don't think my teeth have set..I eat an apple the two fronts move! You don't want that..and you yourself have seen with your bottom teeth what can happen so keep it!
Reply:I would reccomend you to get a removable one. I had braces on for a few years and right after I got my braces off, my teeth started to shift. Just get yourself in a routine to remember to put it in every night. If your teeth start to shift you will be able to tell. I eventually had to get my two front teeth cemented together with a "filling" so that they wouldnt shift anymore. My retainer was clear so if I had to wear it during the day, nobody could tell unless they got up close to me. Give it a try!
Reply:No way, keep the permanent one in; you don't wanna have to use a removable every night- what if you forget it when you go on vacation? or a hot guy is spending the night and you have to wear a retainer in front of him? I dunno- retainers are embarrassing and a total pain- I would just get used to flossing with the permanent one in.
Reply:It's up to you really.

I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth, and when I asked my new dentist about removing it, he said it wasn't a good idea. I would rather keep it in then have my teeth shift.

I stopped wearing my top retainer a long time ago. Like 8 years.... My top teeth have shifted a little, but more due to the fact that I have more room now since my wisdom teeth were removed.
Reply:First, don't be surprised if when the so called "permanent retainer" is removed, small cavities may be present. As for wearing a Retainer...the name explains exactly what it's for, "To retain" you appear to have already learned, unrestrained teeth return to their original position. Here's the deal, down in the socket tiny ligaments attach between the sides of the tooth and the socket wall. When teeth are moved and turned those little ligaments get twisted and shifted. If no retainer is worn those little ligaments take advantage of that and begin to retract back into their original position...Most people find that wearing a retainer can be successful if worn at night only. You can also enhance the retainers ability to do it's job by also wearing it when traveling in your car or sitting around watching TV or even when shopping.....As for whether you can keep a vigil and wear the retainer, it's your decision, do you maintain what you have achieved and if not are you going to be happy with the idea you are throwing away a costly investment....It's like the person who spends several thousands of dollars for a stomach by-pass, looses the desired weight and then goes back to binge eating...It's self responsibility. Good luck and I wish you well.
Reply:Keep the retainer!!

Anyone who tells you your teeth will not shift is full of crap. Teeth shift throughout life. You are lucky to have a permanent retainer.
Reply:i would suggest the removeable retainer because you already dont floss. would u rather have straight teeth and bad cavities or rotton teeth, or straight teeth and no cavities? removeable retainers are just as good as the permanant if not better! go with the removeable
Reply:I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth and the same difficulties that you do. I don't floss my bottom teeth because it's a hassle and I am afraid that the string will get stuck. When I spoke to my dentist about removing it, he agreed that it would be a good preventative measure against gum disease, so mine is coming out as soon as possible so I can get a removable one. Even if my teeth shift a little, I'd rather deal with that than have straight, decaying teeth. As long as the removable retainer is worn on a nightly basis, there's not much risk of that happening anyway.

If I were you, I'd do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Getting rid of the permanent retainer is definitely a viable option. It would also be beneficial to you if you can't floss very easily. I say go for it! You will probably feel much better once it's gone. I plan on getting mine out soon and then going out to celebrate!

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