Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My 9 year old's teeth still haven't grown in?

My daughter lost two of the teeth about 2 years ago. The permanent teeth still haven't come in. Her dentist wont do anything because there is no telling when her teeth will erupt. My ex husband wont leave me alone about it cause he doesn't want her to have braces. He's threatening to take me court because I'm not taking worried about her needing braces. She's been to 3 different dentist and I have gotten the same answer. If I get spacers they will be a waste of money and chances are she's still going to need braces. How do explain to him there is nothing we can do now? I told him everything and he's still not listening. He wont go to the dentist about it either.

My 9 year old's teeth still haven't grown in?
If you have gotten proper medical advice...and a second opinion, and have informed your ex about the outcome of those visits, tell him to sit on it. Let him take you to court if he wants to be an idiot. All you will have to do is show the judge a notarized letter from your dentist(s) explaining the situation, and also inform the judge that you already told your ex all of this information, and he will just look stupid.

Your ex is pretty stupid btw...regardless of when her teeth come in, if she needs braces, she needs braces. There isn't anything any dentist can do about that.
Reply:ask a doctor

(I doubt a doctor is going to waist his/her time on Yahoo answers)
Reply:I would have one of the dentist send him a letter about it. Have them send you a copy also. And let him take you to court, I have never heard of anyone being able to take someone to court over not getting your kid braces, it sounds like he is a controlling jerk!! And if he takes you then ask for him to pay your court cost.

Have they x-rayed to make sure the teeth are there? And if he is so worried why doesn't he take her when he has her to his own dentist, bottom line he does not want to pay the money but wants to complain about it.

I would say then take me to court, other wise drop it. And not getting your child braces even if they need them has never been grounds for taking someone to court or having your child taken away, he is trying to scare you, don't let him!!
Reply:The dentist can't do anything about teeth that haven't erupted yet. What's he going to attach braces to?

Stop taking her to different dentists. She needs to go back to the same person, who can see how her mouth is developing over time.

The only thing I'd wonder is whether she's had an x-ray to determine that the teeth are actually there. If they are, they'll erupt in their own time. Plenty of nine year olds are still short of many of their adult teeth - heck, my 11 year old's still only got about half of hers!
Reply:If the teeth are there they will come in their own due time. There is no way to speed it up.

As far as your husband taking you to court- first of all, no lawyer or judge is going to agree to take the case to hear it in court because he doesn't have one. It would be a waste of time and money on his part not to mention it would make him look like a complete a_ _. Think about how stupid it is to tell someone "I'll take you to court because later on our child will need braces."

Even down the road if she will need braces, what does he care? If she needs them there is very little that he is going to be able to do about it. Your husband needs to GROW UP.
Reply:Just because her teeth haven't come in yet, doesn't necessarily mean she's going to need braces. I had a baby tooth come out and a permanent tooth never has come in. It's been 50 years now. I never had braces. If you are doing what a dentist has advised you....don't take your ex-husband's crap. Tell him that until he goes to dental school and gets a degree, you are going to follow the dentist's advice. Just because he wants to be cheap and not pay for braces, isn't any excuse. The dentist can't force the teeth to come in. They come in when they do....he doesn't have a magic wand.


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