Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby Teeth?

My son is almost 7yrs. old and has not lost any of his baby teeth. He has a permanent tooth coming in on the bottom, should I be concerned?

Baby Teeth?
punch that kid in the face just kidding but don't worry that's about the age when they start losing
Reply:No beacuse then its pushing the teeth out you should be happy he is macuring.
Reply:That's about the age it starts, but there's no absolute time. If he's nine or ten...then worry.
Reply:if he has an adult toothe coming in, it should push the baby teeth out. why not take him to the denist so he can have xrays done to make sure the adult teeth are not just gonna push ou the front or back of the baby teeth,

they should start loosing their baby teeth at age 5
Reply:naaaa! not at all just relax hes growing if thier is any other case check with a dentist.
Reply:The tooth will end up coming out sooner or later. I was about that age when I lost my first tooth (2nd grade). It is normal.
Reply:Nope. be happy for him.

He's finally getting his permanent teeth.
Reply:Don't worry its normal. If he was like like 10 and more than you should ask a dentist he might have really big teeth inside part. but DOnt worry for now =]/
Reply:maybe a little, my sister had an adult tooth push her baby tooth out, but the baby tooth started 2 decay. it became grey and trying 2 get it out became painful. try talking ur son 2 a dentist and get more info from him/her.
Reply:Sounds like he might have dental problem in the future.When the teeth grow out of other areas he may need braces.
Reply:I heard the other day that if your son got his first tooth late (eg/ over 8 months or so) then you can expect him to get his permanents later too. It's fine. On a wonderful note though...the longer they hold onto their baby teeth, the healthier teeth they will have as adults. So don't worry about it. It just means he will have great teeth!
Reply:yes because his tooth is gooing to be pushed outwards for the rest of his life inless he gets braces later on same happend to me!
Reply:no, some peoples teeth grow in like that if the baby tooth dose not fall out go to the dentice
Reply:What does his dentist say about it.
Reply:I remember having permanent teeth coming in around that age 'til about 8 I think. It's actually rare for people not to have their milk teeth replaced by permanent ones. No worries =D
Reply:no b/c i didn't lose my 1st tooth til i was 9( i'm 14 now) and my mama toock me to the dentist and the dentist said it is ok that my teeth weren't ready yet and they would come out on their own. And his permanent tooth will eventually make his baby tooth lose and push his baby tooth out of the way.
Reply:He should be having regular dentist visits by his age, just ask the dentist. My daughter was very slow to lose teeth too, and had to have two pulled when the new teeth started coming in out of place.
Reply:keep an eye on it; my sister did not lose any of her baby teeth. when she went to get braces for her crooked teeth at 33 years old they found out that her adult set was still trying to come out; my sister had to have all her baby teeth yanked out. she had to wait for the teeth to finish coming in in order to have her braces and jaw realigned. do not wait until your kid is going to be 8 or 9 because it is painful
Reply:wow.....i have same situation w/my son his also 7yrs old.....he never lost any teeth not until my newphew pull the pillow while my son was biting it. that only happen few months ago but after 2wks the teeth start growing...up to now his baby teeth look cavities and no problem at all....maybe right now if you notice if the permanent teeth are start to come out and they BIG teeth don't panic its normal cz ofcourse your child will GROW still and it will look weird if they have SMALL teeth if they grow older isn't??


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