Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dogs Teeth????????

Do dogs teeth fall out like babies?

My husband says that our puppy's teeth will eventually fall out and get his permanent teeth like babies do. Is this true? List your sources.

Dogs Teeth????????
Puppies begin to acquire permanent teeth at about four to five months of age. During this period, which lasts about 2 months, the baby teeth are being shed and replaced by adult teeth. Teething in puppies may be accompanied by sore mouth and drooling.

The first teeth to be replace are the incisors, then the canines and premolars. The last molar in the jaw comes in at about six to seven months.
Reply:all animals have 2 sets of teeth like we do ,its no big deal.
Reply:It is true. I actually saved my dog's baby teeth! Had dogs all my life, I just know it is true.
Reply:yes they will and she will grow new permanent teeth just like a human . She may swallow them and you will never know it, but they will grow back as adult teeth, my 5month old Pekingnese has no teeth on the bottom on the front right now just gums but her top ones have already grown back
Reply:Yup, most definately, depending on the breed, when it will start. But approx 16 weeks plus they will start teething...
Reply:Of course that is true. Our dog's has.
Reply:Yes they do, the ones they lose are their milk teeth.
Reply:Yes, but other than the canines you will barely notice. But do keep a check on your puppy as once in a great while a baby won't fall out when the new ones grow in and you will need the help of a vet...

I have owned lots of dogs and it has never happened to me ***yet***

SEW don't worry
Reply:If he's 5 months old, he is probably starting to lose them now. I found a few of my pups teeth around that age.

It's totally normal, just like humans, dogs lose their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth.
Reply:Your husband is right! He is just going through the teething stage. Dogs have 2 sets of teeth. They will eventually, loose their baby teeth, to make room for their permanent ones to come in, just like we do, when we are babies. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal.

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