Sunday, August 2, 2009

Will my teeth ever stop moving?

I had braces for just over 5 years, and I have now been braces-free for about 1 1/2 years. I have a permanent retainer cemented on the back of my bottom teeth, but I have a normal removable retainer for my top teeth.

My question is, will my teeth ever stay put if I don't wear my retainer? I wear it only at night, but if I skip a night or two I start getting a gap between my two front teeth! Will I have to wear my retainer every night for the rest of my life???

Will my teeth ever stop moving?
I has a similar situation although i only had braces for two years. I would definitely recommend wearing your retainer for awhile. I didn't because i thought the bonded retainer would take care of everything and i now regret it even though my teeth have only moved a little bit. Your teeth will eventually stop moving but if you had braces for 5 years it probably means that your teeth needed to be moved a lot and now will not just stay still without a fight. you should talk to your orthodontist if you have major concerns though. good luck!
Reply:That is quite possible, and more than likely. A lot of time it depends on what did the braces do, or where were your teeth before they were in braces. Rotated teeth are the worst. They always want to rotate back to the way they were. But teeth that have been moved through a good bit of bone can also want to move back to where they once were sort of. The best thing you can do is to wear your retainer, and keep an eye on the bottom wire and make sure it stays bonded to all of the teeth.

office supply

Where can I have a teeth cover made?

I play clarinet, and I practice for over 2 hours per day. It used to hurt my bottom lip because my it rests on top of my teeth to play correctly. I can't play with less pressure because then the tone and tuning are terrible. Right now I'm using a tooth cushion that basically folds over my teeth, but I'm looking for something more permanent like a lip guard (but not for braces, for my tooth line).

Does anyone know where I can have one made and for how much?

Where can I have a teeth cover made?
I never heard of this, but I would start with your regular dentist..

office stationery

When can I get my 'permanent' wire retainer removed?

I have had a permanent wire retainer on the back of my lower teeth since I got my braces off. (I was 13 and I'm 21 now.) It doesn't bother me all the time but man, when something gets stuck in it, I can't stop thinking about it until I find some way to remove it. I really don't want to have this thing in my mouth for the rest of my life. I'd like to get it removed at some point. Do I need to wait until my wisdom teeth come in or could I get it removed now (while i still have my parent's insurance)?

Also, my mother and father never had their wisdom teeth come in. If I should wait for my wisdom teeth to come in, what is the maximum age they will come in?

When can I get my 'permanent' wire retainer removed?
For one, I wouldn't "wait" for your wisdom teeth to come because everyone doesn't get them or if they do, it may not provide discomfort to where you will need them pulled.

On the other hand, I can relate with you about the permanent retainer because I still have mine, as well. It doesn't really bother me but flossing can be a pain. However, I have heard horror stories on how people's teeth can shift back to their original positioning and I don't want to pay another 5,000 dollars to get braces again. So, the best advice I can give you is to talk to your orthodontics/dentist and see if taking them out will be be the best option.
Reply:When the dentist says it is safe to take off. usually when they feel your teeth are not going to move any longer.
Reply:I've had my wire retainer in for 10 years. I'm a dental assistant. its better for you to leave the retainer in. If you do have your wisdom teeth still in, sometimes they will erupt and your bottom teeth get crowded again. I would just leave it in there. And about the wisdom teeth thing.... Have your dentist take an x ray of your wisdom teeth, if you even have any. Some people don't. The older you get, the longer its going to take you to heal if you get them out. See if you have them and if you have room for them first.
Reply:I would never have it removed. Teeth do have memory and they do shift as you get older. I have one too and while it is annoying. I would rather have that instead of crooked teeth. I would at least wait until you get your wisdom teeth in and it would be a good idea to get them checked out since you still have your parents insurance. You don't have to wait for them to come out, especially if you had braces, your dentist will probably recommend you just have them taken out so your teeth don't get pushed around by them when they come in. There is no maximum age they can come in. I've seen a patient in their 70's who had their other teeth removed and then their wisdom tooth came in! Don't wait, see your dentist now and talk to them about it.
Reply:First have your dentist check your wisdom teeth. If you are like your parents they may never come in or give you any trouble. However, the average age for wisdom teeth eruption is 17-24, so it is still possible they will erupt. The reason for all of this wisdom teeth info and having the dentist check your teeth? The permanent wire retainer is doing just that, retaining your teeth and keeping them in place. When it is removed your teeth may shift some (usually not to their original place) - just something to think about. If you do decide to have your retainer removed, it is a fairly simple procedure, one completed in a short time by your dentist.
Reply:First of all guy it's a real good question, but you gotta know there are dental floss threaders which you can use to thread the floss threw your teeth,under the wire and floss. There are also floss pick that make removing food and candy easy so try this I would never have a permanent retainer removed because your teeth shift over a period of time and you would be back at point A with messed up teeth! But the wisdom teeth thing well it could be a year or two, but I am 31 and I haven't had any wisdom teeth! So good look and ask your dentist or the local drug store for a floss threader and don't forget the floss picks.
Reply:Try going to a new dentist or a cosmetic dentist and just asking them to take it out. If it bothers you and you don't want it in then there is no reason for you to keep it in.

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My teeth are so weak..?

Ok..I think that I have weak teeth. It easily breaks infact two of my permanent molar have already dental filling. One of it is more than half filling. I brushed my teeth regularly, i drink water alot, i drink milk everyday but stillmy teeth are still weak.. What can I do?

My teeth are so weak..?
Take them to a health club and to teeth push ups.
Reply:Mouth wash.Thee is a spiceal kind out there that can help with that.I had the same problame not as bad as yours but ya.Also if it makes you feel better one of my teeth were brown and soft!It looked like someone put coffe on it.Really if was like like jelly!ewww.Anyway ya mouthwase and if if stills does not work just ask your dentist at the next vist.

Hoped i helped,

Reply:Some people are just born with poor teeth. You might try switching to a enamel building toothpaste. Get a consultation with your dentist and see what she recommends. You may have a vitamin deficiency.
Reply:ASK YOUR DENTIST you probly need invisalign
Reply:You want dental advice on Yahoo Answers....?

Go to the dentist for an exam and get a real answer.
Reply:lay off the acidic things like orange juice, oo grapefruit, or anything too acidic because it eats away at the enamel on your teeth, causing them to be weak. If you must drink these things, use a straw.
Reply:i would say to see your Dentist for the most help. He/she will tell you if you have a problem with your teeth. make sure your bushing your teeth 3 times a day. Heres a link to help you more.
Reply:teeth are genetic. If a parent has weak teeth,theres a chance you will too. Both of my parents had weak teeth,lucky me,I inherited them too,plus,I grind mine! Have gone thru 3 mouth gaurds already!

Talk to your dentist,they will be able to help you,and keep doing what youre doing.

good luck!
Reply:u need to is to go to the dentist and you need to have regularly brushing ur teat ok.
Reply:In some cases weakness of teeth is inherited or results of improper diets in growing age. Now U can protect them from further decoration.
Reply:you need more calcium vitamin D, minerals

because to protect the teeth against harm

you need to check it by the dentist

you need to use a mouth wash

a better toothpaste and toothbrush also.

mumog a water with salt
Reply:I'm with the people who say SEE A DENTIST. Don't rely on anyone here for an answer.
Reply:Some people have soft enamel in their teeth. Occasional fluoride treatments have shown to be helpful, however always remember that fluoride is a poison so don't ever swallow it.

Another thing you can do is get your dentist to seal your most vulnerable teeth with a hard plastic coating. They paint this stuff on and then cure it with an ultraviolet light.

Also avoid chewing really hard and tough food - chop things up fine before eating them, brush after every meal, get dental checkups at least every 6 months, floss between the teeth at each brushing, make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin C (some people have a problem absorbing calcium - this may be your problem - calcium from coral is more easily absorbed).

Good luck!

Visual Arts

Help1i lost my front tooth and got a crown which is permanent.?

Now i want to know whether my teeth under crown are safe from bacterial infection or not.It has been 3 years and i don't have any problem.But i have high point teeth which does not look nice ,can i change my crown?Is this safe? Please tell me.

Help1i lost my front tooth and got a crown which is permanent.?
Go to the dentist.
Reply:Dentists can do just about anything you want nowdays, and yes, you can change your crown. Go see a dentist and he'll explain your options and can examine your tooth if you're worried about it.
Reply:Assuming the tooth was prepared correctly, you should be safe from recurrent infection. Any dentist can (and should ) regularly check the margins of crowns to be sure there isn't any decay sneaking underneath. You should be EXTRA careful flossing the crowned tooth, as your brush can't reach between the teeth where the margins are!

I don't know what "high point teeth" are. If you just don't like the look or bite on the crown, a dentist can change it, but you'll have to cough up another grand or whatever the cost is in your area.
Reply:if its not causing you problem for two years now , then it is ok but the wise thing to do is have it check each time you hve oral prophylaxis(professional cleaning) , the hygienist wil tell you or you may ask . . High point means? Its your preference, you can always ask for cosmetic treatment if you so desire . but if i wear you natural teeth always looks good , and if taken care of will serve us a lifetime.


I sometimes noticed blood while brushing teeth?

I notice blood during brushing my teeth, but there has no pain at all. I aslo feel bad oddur in my mouth,for which I embressed to talk to somebody.Some of my friends advised to go for skelling. I am afarid that is not also a permanent remady . One of my neighur had his teeth skelling done , but again reaccur. Please advise me

I sometimes noticed blood while brushing teeth?
You're brushing too hard.

As for the odor, that could be gingivitis. See your dentist.
Reply:go see your dentist. you might have infected or inflamed gums. blood isn't normal while brushing if you have healthy gums and teeth.
Reply:that's a good sign that you are still alive
Reply:You might want to consider a softer tooth brush bristles. I'd recommend massaging your gums with your tooth brush and making sure you floss daily. Also try brushing your tongue to help with any bad mouth oder and a mouth rinse is always helpful. None the less, go talk with your dentist
Reply:dont brush too hard
Reply:perfectly normal... try changing a softer toothbrush
Reply:Brushing too hard would only hurt your gums, they become swollen and infected...thus, you get bad breath....use a good toothpaste or gumpaste like Pyodontyl which helps in combating gum disease. Dont forget to visit your dentist because you may already have teeth cavities where all the odor causing bacteria thrive. Dont wait till it ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure..take care and goodluck!!!
Reply:so this happens to me as well. first i would go to the dentist. it os possible that you have the start of gengivitis. but get a softer toothbrush and make sure you are brushing correctly. I thought i was my my dentist showed me that i really wasnt. And also try to start flossing more. It would prob be best to floss at night though because of the bleeding. and about the odor...try mouth wash and brushing your tongue as well...hope this helps =)

exchange rate

What should my friend know about getting permanent dentures?

My friend has been saving his $$$ for while now and is pretty excited about getting all of his teeth pulled in a favor of some permanent dentures. He's been plagued by bad teeth for years and fears opening his mouth in public, so its understandable that he's looking forward to it. I'm just wondering if anyone could share any info about the prodecure, pros, cons etc...that I could tell him about so he feels prepared.


What should my friend know about getting permanent dentures?
Implants will cost him about $4000 and, although he will not have a bottom denture that moves while eating (as most dentures do) he will have to maintain them, laboriously (removing and cleaning the spring clips etc).

For a starter your friend my well just get excellent dentures with teeth that perfectly resemble live teeth.

The best advice was given me by the staff at the Canadian Dental College which was :

Have your denturist make impressions of your EXISTING teeth, yes the ones that are coming out. This will help him replicate the exact angle, size, amount of protrusion etc etc.

Choose teeth that have the ridges and valleys that live teeth have. A top of the line set of such dentures cost about $1600 from most certified denturists but some charge up to $2500 for the same thing.

When you shop around, ask the denturist to show you some pictures of his patients who have had dentures made for them.

You do not state if you are from U.S. or Canada.

Sadly, if you are an American you can only get your dentures from a dentist, who, although he is a surgeon, is NOT as well trained in PROSTHETICS as a Denturist who spends ALL his time making false teeth. A dentist is a busy oral physician and spends most of his time with "dental care". Many do not have the time it takes to assess and fabricate dentures. Furthermore a dentist seldom if ever goes into his lab and makes the dentures. He usually just takes impressions and sends these out to a LAB which NEVER sees the patient.

A denturist, however, SEES the patient every step of the way. Even as he fits the dentures, he may often have to step into his lab and make small adjustments in order to achieve a perfect fit.
Reply:is he wanting the denture implants,or just regular dentures? my sister has dentures she has only the regular kind. but i did see how they did the dental implants. oh man it looks painful! the up side is theyll always be there, but im sure they can get infected also. with the regualr dentures you can take off you can be in control of when you wear them . you wont get an infection. my sister had all of her teeth removed then they waited 2 to 3 months for the gums to heal,before they made the dentures. some places like to remove your teeth and have you in dentures by the end of the day. her dentist told her that if she did that it would take longer for the gums to heal and she would have to make several trips to the dentist for adjustments to get the perfect fit. so she waited and the dentures were made , and its been oh about 6 yrs now and shes fine. if shes feeling sick, she could always take them out til she felt better.
Reply:I had all my teeth pulled out 8 years ago because I had a bone disease and after they pulled them DDS Asso. came up with a cure, but when they pulled my teeth they immediatlly put my dentures in and I had to keep them in for three days so that my gums would shrink to fit the dentures. It will be painful for about 1 week, after that I rinsed in salt water every 3 hours and used Benzodent to ease the gum pain until the gums shrunk to the dentures. If he is getting implants find out the reason to why he has to have his teeth pulled out anyway maybe there is a cure

because implants have their faults too. He'll be fine anyway. But remember to get the laughing gas because it will hurt.


Is there something wrong with my teeth?

I am 14 and 2 of my baby teeth still havent fallen out yet. I had an xray about a year ago and the dentist said my new teeth is right below will grow out/replace in few months. but its been a year now and neither teeth will even budge. Im afraid that if i pull it out, my adult teeth wont grow and ill have a permanent hole in my mouth but if i dont, it might never grow out. any ideas r suggestions to what I should do?

Is there something wrong with my teeth?
well id just let them fall out by themselves and really it just means you have nice strong teeth
Reply:Wait. Your teeth will fall out naturally. I have a nephew who is 16 and he still has a couple of baby teeth. They will come out when they are ready. Just be patient

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My temporary crown just came off. should i call the dentist tomorrow or can i wait till i get my permanent?

i am due to get my permanent crown this thursday. my tooth is sensitive to cold but i wonder if going without the temporary will damage a nerve or something.

My temporary crown just came off. should i call the dentist tomorrow or can i wait till i get my permanent?
I'm a dentist.

For the love of God, get the temporary recemented. Otherwise, your dentist may end up having a hell of a time getting the permanent crown to seat properly...if at all.

Temporary crowns aren't there just to keep the tooth protected. They are also there to keep the tooth from shifting.

What keeps your teeth in place are other teeth in contact with them. When a tooth has been prepped for a crown, it is no longer in contact with any teeth. The temporary crown restores all the contacts, and thus holds the tooth in place. Lose the temporary, and the prepped tooth will likely shift forward or backward, or may erupt just a hair more.

Placing a crown requires things to be exact within a 10th of a millimeter. Even if your tooth shifts that much, it'll cause trouble.

Get the temp recemented. It'll take you 10 minutes, and your dentist will be happy to fit you in for it.
Reply:I would call and check.
Reply:I knocked out my four front teeth in a skiing accident, completely. If you're not self conscience about your appearance or they don't show, you're fine to wait.
Reply:i actually saw some stuff at the drug store you can buy to make your own temporary crown on your tooth. get to the drug store
Reply:In an emergency you can just stick it back on with some chewing should be fine like that until thursday.
Reply:You can call them tomorrow or if you want they do sell temporary cement at Wal-Mart or Walgreens. You can also put some Vasoline or toothpaste inside the temporary crown %26amp; that will get you by for a day or so. You don't want to leave the temporary off for very long, because it is on there to hold a space for the real crown. Teeth can shift around very quickly, not a lot, but enough that your crown seat may not go smoothly. It also keeps your gums from moving into places the dentist doesn't want it to go. If you go without your temporary until Thursday, there is a chance they mave have to numb you %26amp; move your gum tissues back. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Reply:It's generally better to get a temporary put on again if the tooth is sensitive. Also it depends on the preparation used when designing the crown. If it is near the gingiva (gum) it would be better to get the teporary crown. Call your dentist and find out what he/she thinks.

Good Luck

Reply:Personally, I wouldn't take advice from anyone who is not a dentist on this one.
Reply:Sounds like you need a root canal on that tooth if it's already sensitive to hot and cold. Once the crown is on there you may have more problems and then they would have to do a root canal and then place a new crown over it. Get the root canal now and it will save you in the end. You will be buying one crown instead of two. I really wouldn't worry about the temp crown right now the sensitivity is the issue you need to address with your dentist before the crown is placed on the tooth. It'll save you some money in the end.
Reply:You should have it put back on, but this being a holiday weekend you can try using either fixadent or toothpaste to keep the crown until you can see you dentist. The temporary is not only there to protect your tooth from sensitivity but also to keep the space from closing so your permanent crown will fit like is should.

myspace images

Teeth with braces help?

my tooth is moving and im crying already and im wearing a braces because my cousin stab it with a stick i cried then and yesterday i found out it is moving and i dont want a false teeth what do i do?and its permanent

Teeth with braces help?
okay first off breathe, you are not going to get false teeth.

tell your parents to get the tooth checked out and dont worry, there wont be any pain :)

also, DO NOT let your cousin stab your mouth with a stick, you can get infections and even break a piece of stick and get it stuck in your braces. no weird object belongs in your mouth
Reply:Call your orthodontist!
Reply:Don't worry you won't get any false teeth and when they take the braces off your teeth, your teeth won't come with. Just go to your orthodontist and they'll take care of it. Good luck! It really isn't anything to freak out about. :)

girls myspace

Inner permanent retainer coming loose?

A little over a year ago I got my braces removed and 'permanent' retainers glued to the inside of my teeth. I was told to keep them in until they fall off. The one on my bottom teeth (which covers 5 teeth) has come loose on all but two of them, and it feels like the glue on the other two is coming loose. What should I do about this? My orthodontist isn't in till Monday, so I'm on my own with this for two days. Help?

Inner permanent retainer coming loose?
Hi! I've been in dentistry for over 25 years. You can 1 of 2 things. You can wiggle the wire loose or go to the ER and they will. Simple to do. Pull the wire in the direction it was laid down. Not up and out. Gently wiggle it should come free. If not, the ER can do this in a few momments. If will not hurt since this is just a wire that was cemented behind the teeth. No biggy. You should able to do it or get a friend with a flashlight to help you. M

acne scar

Vamp Teeth and Super Glue?

OK so i got a little messed up and thought that some vamp teeth i had bought online would look great if they were permanent. So i super glued them to my teeth.

What i want to know is if this is harmful to my real teeth. they only cover my canine. teeth.

here's a link to the teeth.

and if they are harmful how do i remover without going to a dentist is there anything that will remove super glue??

If they are not harmful i would like to keep them surprisingly they look really good. and are uber comfortable. i don't have any problems eating or sleeping with them in.

and if harmful plz list what will happen i would actually like to know. = )

thanxs. and yes i have decided to get better friends who dont let you glue crap to your teeth when messed up.

Vamp Teeth and Super Glue?
Interesting. I would guess that the glue they use is some form of acrylic polymer, like that which would be used for fake fingernails. Using superglue just makes it more permanent.

I can't see any harm in them if they are comfortable. If it interferes with the way you chew your food, then they should be removed. If there are rough edges or any excess glue that might collect plaque, then these should be smoothed off.

When the day comes that you want to remove the teeth and the glue, you'll probably have to see a dentist to have it ground off with sandpaper discs and rubber polishers.
Reply:Did you use..regular super glue? or the glue that actually comes with those sort of teeth to keep them there? Never use a regular super glue not made for dental work in your mouth, the fumes, or even ingesting some could be harmful. Talk to your dentist about good SAFE dental glue that you can use.
Reply:dont use super glue!

they will harm you.

and if you eat it..

well then..

skin care products

Teeth effects bands?

if you have used the teeth effects bands, i want honest and experienced answers only, please. i am trying to get rid of a gap between my front two teeth and i want to know how well they work. are they permanent, and if not how long will my teeth start to open? how long will they go completely all the way? will they make gaps in between the teeth next to my two front teeth or anywhere else in my mouth? if so, how big will they be? sorry, i just want answers before i spend my money. an have they made anyone's teeth fall out?

Teeth effects bands?
I guess I'm one of the only people out there who were crazy enough to try them out, because I've already answered a couple of other questions related to the ToothGap Teeth Effects Bands... I don't mind letting you know about my experience though...

Well, they were delievered quickly, and they were inexpensive..about 20 bucks...I'm not sure if that promotion is still on though...

I have one gap between my two front teeth, and two tiny gaps on my bottom row, which I hate more than the top one. Anyhow, when you first start using that bands, it KILLS. I consider myself to have a really good threshold for pain, but often when I wore them to bed, I would either wake up and tear them out, pull them off in my sleep, not be able to sleep....once I took advil, and I am someone that hates taking drugs. Your teeth and gums become very very sensitive. Just taping on my teeth would send a terrible sharp pain straight through the tooth and gums. It becomes very very difficult to eat; you can't bite at all with whichever teeth your using the bands on, especially if they are you incisors.

Okay...well...I'll answer your questions now. Um, when I was able to bear the bands ( it eases up after a few days, though it's still tough to eat) (sometimes I'd wear two at a time), I would say my tiny gaps took about a week to close. I loved it, and was close to swear by the product. As for the dominant gap between my two front teeth (let's say it's about 2-2.5 mm), it was about 50% closed when I decided to stop using them, it probably would have closed completely in a total of 2 weeks.


Every time I brushed my teeth, about 80% - 90 % of the progress would be erased, and the gaps would just open up again, with ease. If I forgot to put them on at night, or if I was out on the road and they broke and I couldn't replace it...they start to open again. That website lies. You'd need to wear them your entire life to keep the gap closed...which is logical, considering how quick of a solution this product claims to be.

As for my bottom row, no, it didn't cause spaces on either sides of the band, but yes, as for my two front teeth, it did. I already had a small space between my left front tooth and the incisor beside it, and by wearing the bands, it made that space bigger, and much more obvious. It's been months since I've used them, and that space hasn't gone back to normal. It about equal to the gap between my two front teeth, though thanks to where it is, it doesn't bother me too much. There were a few reasons why I decided quitting the program, including the possible dangers it was doing to my oral health, but I was also really concerned that if I had stopped treatment, my gaps would open up bigger than what they were originally.

It most definitely isn't permanent by any means.

And no, lol, if you've got healthy teeth, it shouldn't make your teeth fall out. (lol though I worried a bit about that too, and even had a dream about it happening lol)

To make a long story short, I most definitely would not reccomend them.

If you google the product *which you probably have already* you may be able to find some other not so pleasant testimonials. That website of theirs looks very cheap and biased, doesn't it?

My only suggestion would be, if you really are uncomfortable with your teeth, to talk to a dentist, and think about more legitimate solutions.... though of course, more expensive.

Every now ang again when I find little extra bands around, I put them on my tiny lower gaps to tight them up a bit, but.... I don't take it seriously. I probably shouldn't even do that, because which your teeth moving back and forth, back and forth...they even get a bit wobbly. Just a bit.

If you still decide to purchase the product...just be careful, and read up a bit more on sources unrelated to the website. Don't depend on it though, it's best use would be for a temporary shaping of your smile.

Hope this helps...Good luck and God Bless.
Reply:Ok first off I wouldn't really buy something off the TV or internet to fix your teeth. If you are trying fix your gap I suggest going to a good dentist. It's not a bad experience trust a girl that had to get all of her teeth pulled. They will probably suggest a retainer most aren't that bad and you can barely tell someone is wearing them they normally take 6months to a year to get really good results the other thing is you can look into is veneers they normally help with the gap as well.. if you don't have a deformity where you teeth bulge out and what not that might be your best bet..

All they are, are little caps on your teeth that will close the gap because they are slightly bigger than your actual teeth. These also help with discoloration of your teeth. Hope this helps.. I personally just don't trust ads on the internet because several of them are bogus especially when these BANDS are literally clear rubber bands.. I would not suggest them
Reply:good question, really! -- jas

web design and hosting

What is the average age that children lose their temporary teeth and get their permanents?

age 7-8? Depends on the child of course but around 2-3rd grade is the average.

What is the average age that children lose their temporary teeth and get their permanents?
children geerally lose there first baby teeth around age 6
Reply:5-7 years old

Kindergarten or First grade usually
Reply:It usually starts at 5... lasts quite a few years.
Reply:ahhh, 6 and 8
Reply:my kid started loosing her baby teeth at the age of 5. i think it stops at about 8. every child is different...
Reply:between 6 and 7 years of age. but then it depends on each child. some my lose them early or later in life. not all children lose them at the same time.
Reply:My daughter lost her first tooth 2 weeks ago and she is eight but she is the last in her class to aslo loss so it is true, it depends on every individual.
Reply:they usually start loosing their baby teeth around 6 years old. Some say the process will last till they are around 12, 13 years old. but it changes from person to person. I remember that when I was 8, or 9 years old I had not one single baby teeth left.

you can check some of this articles about the subject
Reply:the real age is near 6 or 7 but nowdays as the enviorment and child's hormons changes very fast the cycle is also change so a small child can lose his/her baby teeth near 4.5 or 5 yr....
Reply:It happens over time, and I'm sure there are websites that will have this information handy. It is also variable between people.

check this out
Reply:Children start losing their baby teeth somewhere around age 5. (I had some 4 year olds lose their teeth in my Pre-K class, and I knew 1st grade teachers who said some of their students still hadn't lost any yet--so there is some range here.)

The process tends to start in the front with the front incisors and canines, and continues with the molars all through childhood and sometimes into early adolescence. Wisdom teeth may not come in until late teens or adulthood, and some never emerge and may have to be removed.
Reply:5-6-7 and it keeps going until 11-12

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After losing a baby tooth ,when do we expect the permanent one 2 erupt?

does it take a few days 2 erupt,or more like months?coz my baby lost his front teeth and it's been like 3 months and nothing had shown up ...!!!

After losing a baby tooth ,when do we expect the permanent one 2 erupt?
don't worry yourself about things like this. he is an individual and his teeth will erupt when they are ready.


mens health

My permanent retainer??

In July my permanent retainer was put in. In Early September one of my teeth broke loose from the glue. Then another one did. Then it began feeling uncomfortable because my teeth were trying to move, since they werent connected to anything. I ended having to take the retainer off, and My mom took FOREVER to schedule an appointment with a dentist. Actually my appointment was last week, and we didnt end up going because of some problem. Anywho, one of my bottom teeth is crooked now. and I dont know what to do. I dont think connecting the retainer at this point will help. If anything Im going to have to get braces put back on in order to straighten it again.

Now with the question(srry I tend to ramble), Have any of you had trouble with your retainers(whether it be the permanent ones or the ones for the upper teeth)? If so what did u do about it and what do you think I should do about my issue?


My permanent retainer??
The orthodontist is going to need to assess just how much movement there has been. Since there isn't just one way to fix any problem, he will present you with your options. These could include: short-term braces followed by a new bonded retainer, a spring retainer with thumb screws, interproximal reduction, and/or Invisalign.

So you see, the answer isn't quite that simple, especially without seeing how much space has been lost, how severe the rotations are, and how the roots are positioned.

You really should try to find an orthodontist who is in a convenient location for you. Being able to keep appointments properly will speed up the whole process for all of you.


Can a permanent crown be altered once it has been cemented?

One of my front teeth had to be replaced with a permanent crown. As a result, the crown stands out and is really noticeable. It is quite bulky in appearance in comparison to my other teeth. Could it be reshaped somehow?

Can a permanent crown be altered once it has been cemented?
Hi..While reshaping an seated crown is sometimes tried, it shouldn't be. The usual amount of grinding on the veneer face of the crown to effect a noticeable change, leaves the veneer material susceptible to easy staining and the overall appearance is seldom ever even close to what it should be. Unless your natural tooth was already way out front before the crown was put on, there is no excuse for it to look that way now. The dentist owes you a new crown made right. Don't take excuses, if your natural tooth was in good alignment before it had to be prepped for a crown, either the DDS failed to remove enough tooth structure to give the Lab Tech enough room to create the crown properly, "OR" the Lab Tech screwed up, either way your entitled to have it done correctly...Good luck and I wish you well.
Reply:Yes it can, but I'm not sure how they do it I heard they have to pull it out like a tooth but they somehow are able to melt the cement 1st. Like drill a hole in the tooth melt the cement, then pull it out. They will have to make a new crown but it can be done. But say it's not painful.
Reply:I'm a dentist.

First off, it is common practice for the doctor to provide you with a mirror so that you can see the crown in your mouth before he/she cements it in. If the doctor gave you a mirror and you approved the cosmetics and fit, then you bear almost all of the culpability. If not, then the doctor owes you a new crown.

Often (but not always), bulky crowns are the result of someone not doing their job properly.

Preparing a tooth for a crown, believe it or not, is not as simple as it sounds. The ultimate goal is to have a prosthesis that is the same size as a natural tooth. This requires the doctor to adequately reduce the size of the natural tooth on which the crown will be placed, and for the lab tech who makes the crown to produce a crown that is not too thick. Along the way to achieving this goal, there are some numbers to consider.

A typical crown prosthesis is made of a dark gray metal substructure (i.e. "coping") covered with tooth-colored porcelain.

Metal, being the stronger of the two materials, need only be 1/3 to 1/2 millimeter in thickness. Hence, if you were having a gold or silver crown placed on your tooth, the doctor would only need to remove 1/3 or 1/2 millimeter from the surfaces of your tooth. Porcelain, on the other hand, must be (ideally) 1mm to 2mm thick. On an area where the porcelain will endure biting forces, 1.5 to 2mm is required. On areas where no biting forces are required, 1 to 1.5mm will do.

Sound complicated? There's even more to consider! Getting a crown to look like a natural tooth requires the use of different kinds of porcelain. In case you didn't know, the outer layer of your teeth (i.e. the enamel) is not completely opaque (like a white coffee mug). It is translucent. This means that some of the incident light hitting your teeth bounces right off the surface of the enamel while some of the light passes part-way through the enamel before bouncing back. This is why your teeth have somewhat of a pearly appearance rather than a matte appearance (i.e. like a white coffee mug). In order to duplicate this pearly appearance, the lab tech must use different kinds of porcelain in different areas of the crown. There are completely opaque porcelains, bulk/shade porcelains, and there are translucent porcelains, and a shiny glaze that gives crowns their gloss. They are applied to the crown in that order...ideally.

Opaque porcelains must be laid down first against the metal coping in order to hide the dark gray color of the metal. Translucent porcelains cannot accomplish this. It only takes 1/2mm of opaque porcelain to cover up the metal.

After the opaque porcelain is laid down, the more tooth-like porcelains can be laid down. As you can imagine adding more porcelain means adding bulk to the crown prosthesis.

But what if the doctor only reduced the tooth by 1.5mm everywhere? Well, the lab tech has a decision to make: either 1. keep adding porcelain to make the crown look naturally translucent but at the same time too bulky, or 2. limit the amount of porcelain he puts on the crown in order to make the crown shaped and contoured like a natural tooth, while at the same time resulting in a crown that is not adequately translucent.

Now, it is also possible that your crown does not have a metal coping. Instead, it may have some sort of white ceramic coping, which makes achieving cosmesis easier...although the same considerations as I mentioned above must still be made.

Everything I've described above addresses what can happen if the doctor does not adequately shave down the tooth. This is a very common occurrence, I am sad to say.

Now, it is also entirely possible that the doctor adequately reduced the tooth and the lab-tech simply did a lousy job of making the crown. That is also a very common occurrence, I am also sad to say.

So, can your crown be adjusted, you ask? Not without drilling away the the glaze and the translucent porcelains, which will negatively affect the appearance of the crown. How much it affects the appearance of the crown depends on how much of each type of porcelain was laid down, as well as how much needs to be drilled away.

Let your doctor give it a try. The cosmetic result may turn out to be adequate. If you don't like it, he/she can always cut off the crown and get you a new one.

Again, this is why you should have seen the crown in a mirror before it was cemented in. That's why I do it for all crowns that are to go in cosmetic areas--so that the onus is on the patient should they be unhappy with the cosmetic result.

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How long does a permanent retainer last before it needs to be replaced?

I have a small metal bar "permanent retainer" behind my two front top teeth. I've had it for about three years and was wondering how long it will last, and what will happen when it starts expiring, how will I know it needs to be replaced?

How long does a permanent retainer last before it needs to be replaced?
I had mine on for over 10 years and finally I had my dentist take it off. There was really no reason to take it off, it just seemed like 10 years was long enough.

I think you should keep it on until it starts to fall off.
Reply:I've had mine for three years now, and my ortho told me that I can keep it in for as long as I want but they will take it out once I get my wisdom teeth out. (I haven't had mine out yet)


Who do they make gold teeth?

either gold teeth you can take out or permanent

Who do they make gold teeth?
They last the Longest. (crowns...Gums will take to it better and should last for up to 15 years)
Reply:for da homies
Reply:Call this number below
Reply:They tried to make them in rubber, but they were too chewy...
Reply:I could think of a racist comment here, but i think the wearers of such gaudy embellishments do enough of a disservice to themselves already.
Reply:It's a Bling Thing. :)
Reply:with gold
Reply:i like the ones i have they will do and they are mine
Reply:The reason is that gold is a metal which is inactive with other elements. For example iron would rust (yukky!!), aluminium would give you nasty shocks when you put cutlery in your mouth....and so it goes on. Some dentists use a mix of metals but with gold as the higest content.
Reply:is that a question?
Reply:Because gold is da style, yo.

Don't laugh, because that isn't funny.
Reply:I don't know how they are made, but gold teeth aren't just gold, theres lots of cheap metals mixed with it. Only a very small % is gold.
Reply:Cause they make money. All the rappers have them. And what better way to advertise.
Reply:do you mean who or how?

family nanny

If someone had a gold tooth, like maybe its permanent, is there a chance that it can be back to normal?

No not if its permanent

If someone had a gold tooth, like maybe its permanent, is there a chance that it can be back to normal?
you mean thru a implant yes
Reply:If it is pulled and replaced with a porcelain crown.
Reply:Wouldn't you wish, Susie?

The Midas touch and all that!?

The "Gold" tooth would help you feel like it's the normal tooth, though, if that's what you're asking.
Reply:you can get it replaced by ´porcelein or plastic one with a steel liner,that looks more normal .

or with and implant (very expensive)

but it will never be a real tooth
Reply:On Miami Ink, one of the tatoo artists, Kat, got a gold tooth, and she hated it once she got it and she ended up just pulling it out herself.
Reply:Do you mean can the color of the tooth go back to a normal color tooth?

The answer is yes and the gold crown will have to be removed and re prepared for replacement with a porcelain (color of teeth) crown. This can cost btw 600-1300 dollars.
Reply:Dunno what you are talking about???


Are permanent retainers ever removed?

I recently had my braces removed and they put in a permanent retainer on my lower set of teeth. It's been five days with it and it's still taking time to getting used to the feeling. I can't imagine living every single day of my life with a /permanent/ retainer. Are they ever removed?

Are permanent retainers ever removed?
You can have it removed after 4 years, but you get used to it eventually. I've had mine on for 6 years and I don't even think about it anymore.
Reply:Yes, you will get used to it. But DON'T EVER get it removed. I had mine put on in middle school after braces. My orthodontist told me I could have it removed when I went to college, so I did. My teeth moved completely back after 5 years. I had to go back into a temporary retainer at night and then put the permanent one back in again. Not worth the money or the trouble! Eventually you won't even feel it anymore...
Reply:No you still have to wear them, even with false teeth... haha
Reply:You can remove it, but should not for those reasons:

1: The normal equilibrum of the muscles pushing on the teeth (tongue and lip) is modified by the new place of the teeth.. the lips and tongue are trying badly to put those back at their old place. thats why you need this wire.

2: Lower front teeth tend to get crowed in time with aging, hence if you keep this wire your whole life your teeth will keep straight. If you remove it, it may get crowed just because of normal physiology.

Should you decide to remove it, wait at least 5-10 years.
Reply:A permentent retainer just means that you don't take it out like you do with anther type of retainer.


Cosmetic teeth options?

I remember hearing about some movie stars using some type of cover for their teeth that is cheaper that any permanent solution such as veneers, whitening, etc... I can not remember the name nor do I have a clue how to search it. I think I remember that they are temporary I want to say 2 weeks buy uncertain. They are more like a mask for the teeth that make appearance white, straight etc....

Cosmetic teeth options?
You're talking about "snap-on" teeth. They are quite similar to the ones slw182 is talking about.

You can't eat with them, and after wearing them a few times, they tend to not stay in place as well and have been known to fall out!
Reply:I'm not sure if this is what you mean but I found this site:


Is it ok 4 the teeth to change the tooth paste,i am not asking about company or flavor,about the type or...?

chemical used in it,if it is ok then just live it,but if it is not ok then which tooth paste should i use for permanent,or is it ok to change the tooth paste for the teeth.Don't tell me that this or that company is good i want to know about the health fot the teeth.Thankyou.

Is it ok 4 the teeth to change the tooth paste,i am not asking about company or flavor,about the type or...?
I don't think there is any problem with switching brands. You can try different brands and see which ones you like! They're more or less all approved by the FDA to be advertised as toothpaste.
Reply:all the same pretty much
Reply:Not all toothpastes are the same. But, the only ones to avoid unless you know what you are doing are the ones with strong abrasives. Otherwise, for example, if you are using a flouride paste, and stop using it, you simply stop getting the benefit of fluoride until you use it again.
Reply:its always good to keep changing your toothpaste ; so that your oral flora dosent get used to or resistant to one kind of composition of changing them u can fight in better way to oral bacterias

city opera

How long does it take for teeth to be affected if you don't wear retainer?


I've had my braces removed and wore a retainer for about 6 years now. About three months ago my retainer broke (the metal wire snapped) and I stopped wearing them. That was also the time I got my upper wisdom teeth removed.

I've made an appointment with my doctor to have my retainer remade. I'm just wonder will there be any permanent long term effect on my teeth because I didn't wear the retainer for 3 months?

How long does it take for teeth to be affected if you don't wear retainer?
Retainers are usually worn until the teeth are settled into their new position in the bone... have you been back to the orthodontist in the six years since the retainer was given to you?

I would think by now you may not even have to wear it...

Reply:It depends on how fast your teeth move. I have seen some people hardly wear their retainers and their teeth are fine, and I've seen some people that go only one day without wearing a retainer and their teeth move within a few hours! Your doing the best thing by seeing your dentist to have new ones made. Once you get your new ones wear them all the time for the first couple of months and then you can reduce the wear to night time. Retainers are a forever thing. Its good to keep them forever so if you do feel if your teeth are ever moving, you can pop them back in and wear them for a little. I wear mine about once a week since I got mine off 2 years ago. Hope that helps!
Reply:Your teeth will be fine, I only wear mine maybe once a week..If they did move, once you start wearing it they will move right back. Just make sure to wear it a few times when you get it:)
Reply:I would not wait any longer to get the retainer remade. Long term effect should be minimal at this point in time. If you had not worn your old retainer for three months and then tried to put it in... it would be very tight because the teeth shift rather quickly. So, get it done ASAP and keep your beautiful smile... smiling!

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Getting teeth pulled HELP please!!?

Okay, here it goes. So i have to get about five teeth pulled, four on top and one on bottom, they are all baby teeth that have no permanents under them, i am scared out of my mind! Does it hurt, is it scary, do you think the dentist would let me listen to my iPod so i don't hear the noise?

BTW, I am the kinda person who worries a lot!

Getting teeth pulled HELP please!!?
I had multiple baby teeth pulled out. the doctor puts enough novacaine in you that you don't feel a thing. sometimes you do hear the tooth getting pulled out but never feel a thing. i listened to my ipod when i got my teeth pulled so i don't see a problem with you using yours but i guess it depends on the dentist. even after the novacaine wears off you don't feel any pain or anything!!
Reply:The most painful part of it will be the novicaine needle, it's just a poke in your mouth for about 5-6 seconds, not too bad, no worse than a cat scratch, then once you're numb as your teeth are being pulled, you'll feel pressure, but no pain or very minimal pain. Then later, after the novicaine wears off, you'll feel a dull, droning pain in your mouth, but it's not too bad.

I had four permanent (adult) teeth pulled at once last year, wasn't all that bad.
Reply:I have had 3 teeth pulled. they numb you up and you cant feel anything, i listened to my ipod so i wouldnt hear it and it was alot easier hope this helps

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Wire that goes behind teeth...?

Ok so a while back, being the annoying child that I was, I decided to lose my retainer for a second time, find it, and then opt not to use it because it had goo on it.

So, about a year later, the gap between my teeth comes back. Its a very small gap, but I still went back to my orthodontist to see what she could do...She told my to wear the retainer all the time for a while, so I did.But she said that my only options to get rid of it were to either put a permanent wire behind my two front teeth or get brackets all over again. Obviously, the wire is the better idea because brackets to be would be a waste of time and money.

But the permanency part scares me. It feels unnatural...Any opinions?

Wire that goes behind teeth...?
Hi Megan. I have been in dentistry for over 25 years and put the permanent on most of my patients that "forget" or don't want to wear a retainer. Simple. It is a very small arch wire that goes behind the teeth and I cement it with a tooth colored material. You would never know it is there. My niece has had it for 6 years and will not let me take if off. She loves not wearing a retainer. Most adults have this as their teeth shift back very easily. You will never know it is there. On the bottom I usually go from premolar to premolar and on the top from canine to canine. No one has ever complained and everyone loves it because it keeps the teeth in place and they have a great smile and unreal teeth. So relax, don't worry, it is not a big deal and the end result is great. If you have any other questions, please ask, I will help you in any way that I can. Marie.
Reply:The "permanent" expression your doctor used probably just meant that it was bonded in with a tooth colored filling which can easily be removed by a dentist when needed. You won't see it and the filling blends with your natural tooth shade. It's not a bad alternative because you won't have the annoying brackets or have to take it in and out like a retainer.
Reply:My brother wore his retainer all the time and his teeth were fine, but the dentist decided to put a metal bar behind his teeth so they stayed perfects. He doesn't feel it and it doesn't worry him, as soon as i get my braces off I'm doing the same.
Reply:just rember it just like when you first got braces it feel weird and you think yr lips are lie bulging out but then after a while it dont botther you anymore that you have braces so it'll be the same with the wire


How can i avoid staining my teeth?

I brush my teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day but my teeth are still kind of stained looking. Its really annoying me because I dont smoke, I dont drink red wine and rarely drink coffee. The only thing i can think of is I drink green tea regularly, but surely that wouldnt cause too much damage. I wanted to bleach them but I was told that the effects arent permanent and I'd destroy my tooth enamel by doing that.

Its beginning to get to the stage where I actually worry about smiling-help!! :)

How can i avoid staining my teeth?
Drink with a straw. That way, the colored liquid will not touch your teeth.
Reply:Brush in baking soda
Reply:i used to feel the same way but people always told me i had nice teeth. it may just be a self conscious thing that only you may notice but no one else does. actually using over the counter bleach sets dont last very long but do give you instant results. the best way to go is to get a bleaching kit from your dentist. no all bleaches harm your enamel on your teeth. plus the effects of wear and tear from soda etc... is prob going to be just as bad as it would if your just got a bleaching kit. well good luck!
Reply:Ok. visit

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What side effects do whitening strips have on your teeth?

Does the whitening wear away the enamel on your teeth?? Or have any other permanent negative effects besides sensitivity for a day or two?

What side effects do whitening strips have on your teeth?
The whitener in the strips doesn't strip the enamel nor does it contain actual bleach. The whiteners are a more diluted variety of what is used in the dentist's office. The whiteners actually contain a type of "peroxide" which when used on the teeth, cause the "dentin" or "tubule" layer to be exposed or swell. This leads to sensitivity.

If you are going to use a Whitening strip, get a toothpaste made for people with sensitive teeth.

Slowly build up your tolerance to the whitening strips. Only apply them for half the time that the directions say. This means it will take longer to get your teeth brighter but you will be less sensitive.
Reply:Its rumor that they like take a very very very thin layer of your teeth off after each use. Which can later leed to issues.
Reply:The whittening bleach in the strips strip the enamal off you teeth causing sensitivity. Very painful
Reply:It can actually cause sensitivity for a few months or even longer, not just a day or two. It dries out the teeth as it whitens them so obviously that's not really a good thing. It can also sometimes make the teeth a bit spotty because of the way teeth bleach. And ya, I guess I've heard research saying it wears away a thin later of the tooth but I don't know how accurate that is.

I'm not saying not to use them because in small amounts it's fine, but just don't use them daily for a few weeks or something.
Reply:Yes, it wears the enamel off your teeth and your teeth become more sensitive. you'll notice it, after using it for a few days it'll hurt your front teeth to take a cold drink.
Reply:I don't think they wear away enamel, but they can cause teeth to look translucent or spotty, which is unattractive. Also, if placed incorrectly, the edges of the teeth can appear whiter.

The biggest negative affect is after the whiteness wears away, you are addicted to whiter teeth. After a few times, nothing is good enough except ultra bright, eye-blinding white, which is unnatural.
Reply:The common side effect is the teeth sensitivity. If the teeth whitening strip contain harmful ingredients, it can cause a huge risks of dental problems to your teeth and gums.


How much would it cost to have my teeth......?

How much would it cost to have my teeth removed and fitted with permanent fake ones? like jodie mash and nick lachey. (only about 6 teeth)

How much would it cost to have my teeth......?
about 6000$$$ to 12000$$$
Reply:probably $10,000.
Reply:The cost is usually around $200 per tooth.
Reply:I will pull them for free. As far as the rest, I dont think you can get them at sears anymore.
Reply:well i cant tell you for sure but it depends on witch doctor u go to......... maybe u should ask him/her
Reply:Well Ive had extreme cosmetic dentistry and I have a smile like Tom Cruise and mine cost £10.000.00 but when I smile I can see where that money went they look great.

Twelve teeth in total six up and six down.
Reply:It probably depends on if your health insurance will cover it. Are your six teeth you want to remove rotted, or bad? There are other options too, such as porcelain veneers. Your best bet would be to make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist and get a quote.
Reply:Hi Bob

Why dont you consider doing what i did?

I had 28 top quality porcelain caps with a US trained world

class dentist here

cost me $2400 for all 28! so your 6 shouldnt cost more than $600 (plus airfare)

Hope this helps

Reply:Go to this web site.

Check for dentists under 'Provider search'

Call the dentist and get the exact price.

You do not need to guess!!

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Lost retainer for teeth!?

Today, I lost my retainer for my teeth that i was wearing for 2 and a half weeks and i was wondering...will my teeth shift? I'm trying to make an appointment for a new retainer, possibly next Monday or Wednesday. Well, will they doctor charge me for a new one?, and how long does it take to acquire a new retainer for me? I have a permanent retainer on my top 6 teeth and my bottom 6 teeth if that helps.

Thanks Yahoo Community again!

Lost retainer for teeth!?
your teeth won,t shift that fast but they will charge you for a new one and it could take two weeks or more

Visual Basic

Help! dentist ruined my teeth?

my last dentist i had braces with for 4 years, after him finally taking them off i can say they have been worse than they were before.

this dentist has screwed up so many people's mouths and many people complain about him. however since i had braces still on at the time no other dentists would take me until he took them off. we did not find out until later that he was not even a liscensed orthodontist.

when he took the braces off he used a small razor thing to scrape at my teeth. since him doing this, i now have permanent white spots all over my teeth (not tartar or calcium buildups) and wherever he scraped my teeth in my back molders i think im now getting cavities from. i am very angry because i dont think i needed braces to start with, and my teeth are now even more uneven and look worse. what would you reccomend? ive tried everything to get these white spots off but i think theyre permanent. help!

Help! dentist ruined my teeth?
If you have a complaint about your dentist, you should contact your state's dental board -they are in charge of handling complaints and monitoring licensure. Look it up on the internet, or call some gov't offices in your state; they can direct you to the right number.

Basically, if you ask to have braces off, they HAVE to take them off.

Now, I HAVE seen some dentists screw things up, so I'm not here to defend this guy. However, if you have braces on for four years, it's not unusual to have the white, chalky areas on your teeth - these aren't decay (tho' they CAN lead to decay) they're called decalcification. They result from demineralization caused by acids in your mouth.

It's POSSIBLE that maybe you didn't have ideal oral hygiene while you had the braces - i'm not saying you're a slacker; i'm just saying it , it doens't sound like this office is one where they take the time to explain the importance of this.

The way to fix them would be to get veneers (expensive!) or composite fillings ("bonding" - less expensive) over the white spots. You cannot bleach them out.

let me kno wif you have any other questions! good luck, and keep brushing...oh, and use a fluoride rinse like ACT - that will help keep those weakened areas stronger.
Reply:hmm, maybe go get them cleaned by a proffesional dentist, or you could try crestol white strips ( if i spelt that right) sorry to hear about your teeth! Good luck, hope this helps!
Reply:why would you go to a dentist that isn't even licensed?? that is illegal! you can sue him you know. get all your money back and more. and the way he took off your braces is not the proper way, so the stains could be from that.
Reply:those white spots are most likely from poor cleaning when you had the braces on. maybe also because they were on for a long time (4 years). they should go away over time.

also, you dont have to be a licensed orthodonist to put braces on someone. any general dentist is allowed to do it.
Reply:those white spots were caused by your poor oral hygiene while you had your braces on. you probably just didn't notice them that first day. there is no instrument that i'm aware of that can change the color of your teeth just by touching them. even the drill won't turn your teeth white.

this is your own fault and you are trying to blame someone else. and no, they aren't going to come off. you are going to need significant dental work to repair the damage that you did.
Reply:I'm not defending the dentist who did your work and he certainly may have not done an excellent job, but the "scraping" he did on the anterior and molar teeth" couldn't have caused decay" to “develop,” or the white spots to “appear.” He was removing the cement that held the braces on your teeth this is a normal process, some of us use a high speed hand piece to remove this. He would have to have removed many layers of enamel to reach the dentin causing it to show through. Although this process wouldn’t cause “white spots” to appear on your teeth. The much darker or “yellowish dentin” along with indentations from where this enamel was removed, would be present. Since you say they are all over the teeth, it could be one of two things; fluorosis, from ingestion of excessive fluoride during development of the permanent dentition prior to eruption, or demineralization, caused from by the excessive plaque on your teeth, or poor oral hygiene during your orthodontic treatment. If fluorosis, it would have been there prior to placement of orthodontic treatment on the permanent teeth.

As for the decay on the molar, the scraping didn't cause the decay. The lack of sufficient oral hygiene and most likely, regular cleaning caused this. The regular cleaning during your orthodontic treatment would have caught any areas the bands might have become loose or leaking and also any decay under or around the margins of the tissue area of these banded teeth.

Additionally, if you were in orthodontic treatment for “four years” you must have needed the treatment badly. There are some cases that take longer than this, although the patients are usually ecstatic and want their teeth to be corrected. So, I doubt seriously that orthodontics caused your dental problem to be worse now than what it was initially. I am more inclined to believe that it was your lack of sufficient oral hygiene and compliance that has caused the decalcification and the molar decay along with not completing the orthodontic treatment. You can call it as you like, from what I’ve “read” here, any dentist will “see” and be able to tell from the condition of your teeth and tissue what the truth is. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but we see patients with similar complaints often. No one likes to take the blame but they will always have the guilt. I’m sure that your dentist has every appointment recorded along with the ones missed, noting your oral hygiene and possibly, your noncompliance in your permanent record. I hate that this has happened to you, but sometimes patients are just too young to initiate orthodontic treatment. When this happens with our patients, we remove them rather than run the risk of the problems that you are experiencing now. So, the only advice I can give you is to listen to your dentist, he really does know what is best for your dental health. Good luck!
Reply:Here's what to do:

1. Go to this dentist, get all his office notes on you and any

x rays he took.

If they ask why you want them, tell them you need them for

your medical-dental insurance so you can get reimbursed

for the monies that were paid to him for removal etc.

2. Then go to an attorney who specializes in malpractice and sue. This is a $100,000-$250,000 case. He will direct you what to do. Just dont mention to the culprit dentist that you intend to sue.

And going to dental boards will give you no relief, not

dental relief, not emotional relief. These boards are composed of dentists who will side with the dentist you are complaining against, and you will get nothing from such experience except delay in suing.

3. Dont let those records and x rays get out of your hands. Put them in a safety deposit box after you give your attorney the copies.
Reply:get a lawyer and make him pay to have someone else fix them and do it right.
Reply:dont be a moron and try to sue a dentist for your own lack of personal hygiene. youll only end up embarrassed in court when they prove you wrong.

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Problems with whitening teeth with fillings?

have fillings in most my teeth, but no new ones lately. am to get 2 permanent crowns and started to whiten teeth 1st to have lighter color to match crowns strongly recommended dentist-prepared, moulded strips, saying they're best for dental health and most efficient. is charging me 600 euros and it seems that he's using a kit ordered on line for 40 euros. i digress.started with the bottom teeth bleaching for 3 hours a day for about 14 days. now, top teeth. after first bout, it looked like a canine was vertically cracked that i didn't remember being cracked, but not totally sure. on 3rd evening upon putting on strip, i feel intense throbbing in one tooth(not the same side as crack) which subsides and then increases. i take off the strip within about half an hour and the pain subsides. french sites indicate one shouldnt whiten if cavities in teeth. does this mean filled cavities?throbbing reminds me of feeling of dying nerves. help! what to do?

Problems with whitening teeth with fillings?
Commercial tooth whiteners use hydrogen peroxide and are expensive and inconvenient. A cheap and natural tooth whitening home remedy uses few strawberries but certain precautions have to be taken. I found the information at


Do you have a choice between a permanent or removeable retainer?

Do you have a choice between a permanent or removeable retainer?

Because my teeth are straight and where they should be. I was also told that I had braces on for so long that my teeth will hardly, if ever move. I was also told to keep them on while I eat.....

And also, what is it about permanent retainers? Do some people need them more than others? Can I ask for one?

Are removeable ones only for people who don't need permanent retainers? I have a removeable one and they estimate I'll have them for 2 years and after a while of wearing them constantly now, I'd only have to wear them at night. I have to get my top retainer, and my orthodontist is making me one that fits my top teeth, and she's saying my teeth are so in position they will not move after 2 weeks! Does that mean my retainer will only have to be at night soon?

Do you have a choice between a permanent or removeable retainer?
I think that you do have a choice but the orthodontist will give you a recomendation. It depends on your teeth and the way the move and shift. But you can question your orthodontists and they will be glad to tell you
Reply:This is something to ask your orthodontist. Some cases can use them and others can not, so we really can't give an intelligent answer over the internet.

12 minutes ago
Reply:it definately depends on the orthodontist and the severity of your case. Some people opt for the permanent because they fear they'll lose the reatainer, however flossing is a bigger chore and your'll have to get special floss to thread between to get below the retainer and to the gumline. like every one else said, your orthodontist would be the number one way to find out. GOOD LUCK!


I have swollen gums. Are they permanent?

I have braces, and my gums have started to swell up my teeth a bit. there is minor pain. I have good hygiene, but I have large spacews between some teeth. Please help. Are these permanent?

I have swollen gums. Are they permanent?
The gums are irritated by something, most likely debris. Try using a very soft bristle brush to gently clean and massage the gums. Flossing, though difficult, will usually help a lot. Using tooth picks carefully can also debride the areas. Following all the above, rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide mixed with equal parts water. This should alleviate the gingivitis quickly. If not, see your dentist. Good Luck
Reply:I doubt if it's something serious.I once had one of those,and my dentist cut the infectious swell but after having my entire mouth under anesthesia...

try this link for some prognosis:
Reply:Good oral hygiene is vital. Swollen, bloody gums are common but not good. Braces are difficult to clean and require techniques above and beyond normal oral hygiene. Go to a store with a large dental display (Walgreens, WalMart, etc) and shop the various battery powered tooth brushes. Also, look for interproximal brushes (between the teeth) Use Listerine mouth wash after brushing. Swish for 1 minute (timed) All this will hurt until your gums are returned to health.

DDS 33 yrs
Reply:Do your best keeping it clean

See your dentist if it doesn't get better! (How old are you? Some aggressive kinds of periodontitis is likely to come when people are in the brace-age because of hormonal changes in the body)

Do you use medication? some types of madication gives swollen gums.

It's not permanent. It will disappear when the cause of the inflammation and the inflammation itself disappears.

B- Dental student
Reply:No. It's not permanent. Because your braces are metal, bacteria love to be around it (it provides a haven for them). The bacteria will go up into your gums and infect them. Next time you are in for an ortho checkup,.tell your doctor. He/She may write you a prescription for a dental rinse that is a bit stronger than Listerine (but doesn't burn).

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My temporary cap fell off my tooth. My next appt. is in a week for the permanent. What should I do?

My temporary cap fell off my tooth. My next appt. is in a week for the permanent. What should I do?

My temporary cap fell off my tooth. My next appt. is in a week for the permanent. What should I do?
Call your dentist and tell them you have an awful toothache. Maybe they'll get you in earlier. Good Luck!
Reply:Put it back on. If it won't stay or you are having sensitivity, the drug store sells a temporary adhesive/wax just for this purpose. Call your dentist tomorrow and let them know what happened. They may have you come in and have it re-cemented or move your appointment up for the permanent.


DO NOT EVER USE SUPERGLUE FOR THIS BECAUSE YOUR DENTIST WON'T BE ABLE TO EASILY REMOVE IT. gotta go to your dentist asap even for: 1-To recap your temporary crown by ready made cement .2-Have your permenant crown to be recapped as soon as it arrives from the lab.

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I have the option of removing my permanent retainer--should I go through with it?

I had braces for several years when I was younger. After they were removed, my orthodontist placed a permanent retainer on my top front teeth. I had a removable retainer for my bottom teeth (which I eventually stopped wearing, and the teeth have shifted a good deal since then).

I've now had the permanent retainer for almost 8 years. My orthodontist and my former dentist never mentioned anything about it ever being removed. I saw a new dentist for the first time today, and he seemed surprised that I still have it in. He offered to remove it for me, but said that (obviously) I should probably get a removable retainer to wear at night.

I'm not sure what I want to do. I NEVER floss because it's such a pain to work around the retainer. I don't want to end up getting gum disease somewhere down the line, but I also don't want to risk having my teeth shift around (I'm not sure if I can trust myself to keep up with wearing a removable retainer).

Any suggestions?

I have the option of removing my permanent retainer--should I go through with it?
If you have it removed your teeth may start to move back to how they were before.

Why would you let a dentist interfere with your orthodontists treatment. If you have not made your mind up about whether to remove it you should see your orthodontist first to get his opinion.

I don't see any reason why after removing your retainer would leave cavities! If you already have cavities you would still be able to detect them with your retainer on!

I think you need to decide between: flossing your retainer and keeping straight teeth, and removing your retainer, being able to floss easily and having not straight teeth.

You can get a removable retainer once your retainer is out, but then if you forget to wear it, your teeth could move too much to fit it back on, plus you could lose it all together.
Reply:Wow, most people stop wearing a retainer 9 months after getting their braces removed? After 8 years, your teeth really should not shift. I would definitley get it removed and wear the removable retainer a couple hours a day at least.

Good luck.
Reply:You are older now and even if you only wear the retainer every other night while you sleep, you should be fine. The permanant retainer could damage your teeth as it is hard to brush around and like you stated to floss around.
Reply:I would leave it on and work around it. I didn't have a proper retainer when my braces were removed and my teeth suffered. 10 years later I still don't think my teeth have set..I eat an apple the two fronts move! You don't want that..and you yourself have seen with your bottom teeth what can happen so keep it!
Reply:I would reccomend you to get a removable one. I had braces on for a few years and right after I got my braces off, my teeth started to shift. Just get yourself in a routine to remember to put it in every night. If your teeth start to shift you will be able to tell. I eventually had to get my two front teeth cemented together with a "filling" so that they wouldnt shift anymore. My retainer was clear so if I had to wear it during the day, nobody could tell unless they got up close to me. Give it a try!
Reply:No way, keep the permanent one in; you don't wanna have to use a removable every night- what if you forget it when you go on vacation? or a hot guy is spending the night and you have to wear a retainer in front of him? I dunno- retainers are embarrassing and a total pain- I would just get used to flossing with the permanent one in.
Reply:It's up to you really.

I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth, and when I asked my new dentist about removing it, he said it wasn't a good idea. I would rather keep it in then have my teeth shift.

I stopped wearing my top retainer a long time ago. Like 8 years.... My top teeth have shifted a little, but more due to the fact that I have more room now since my wisdom teeth were removed.
Reply:First, don't be surprised if when the so called "permanent retainer" is removed, small cavities may be present. As for wearing a Retainer...the name explains exactly what it's for, "To retain" you appear to have already learned, unrestrained teeth return to their original position. Here's the deal, down in the socket tiny ligaments attach between the sides of the tooth and the socket wall. When teeth are moved and turned those little ligaments get twisted and shifted. If no retainer is worn those little ligaments take advantage of that and begin to retract back into their original position...Most people find that wearing a retainer can be successful if worn at night only. You can also enhance the retainers ability to do it's job by also wearing it when traveling in your car or sitting around watching TV or even when shopping.....As for whether you can keep a vigil and wear the retainer, it's your decision, do you maintain what you have achieved and if not are you going to be happy with the idea you are throwing away a costly investment....It's like the person who spends several thousands of dollars for a stomach by-pass, looses the desired weight and then goes back to binge eating...It's self responsibility. Good luck and I wish you well.
Reply:Keep the retainer!!

Anyone who tells you your teeth will not shift is full of crap. Teeth shift throughout life. You are lucky to have a permanent retainer.
Reply:i would suggest the removeable retainer because you already dont floss. would u rather have straight teeth and bad cavities or rotton teeth, or straight teeth and no cavities? removeable retainers are just as good as the permanant if not better! go with the removeable
Reply:I have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth and the same difficulties that you do. I don't floss my bottom teeth because it's a hassle and I am afraid that the string will get stuck. When I spoke to my dentist about removing it, he agreed that it would be a good preventative measure against gum disease, so mine is coming out as soon as possible so I can get a removable one. Even if my teeth shift a little, I'd rather deal with that than have straight, decaying teeth. As long as the removable retainer is worn on a nightly basis, there's not much risk of that happening anyway.

If I were you, I'd do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Getting rid of the permanent retainer is definitely a viable option. It would also be beneficial to you if you can't floss very easily. I say go for it! You will probably feel much better once it's gone. I plan on getting mine out soon and then going out to celebrate!

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Wisdom teeth extraction questions.?

I am 16 years old and have had all four of my wisdom teeth come up. (my dentist says that it is unusual to have them all come up at my age). I have had braces for almost 3 years and atm have great oral health and my teeth look perfectly straight. ( i think i have beautiful teeth). I recently had a pan x-ray and my dentist said my wisdom teeth would be easy to remove.

I really want to get my wisdom teeth extracted because my lower and upper jaw feel crowded; just those 2 extra teeth on both levels feel like i have 50% more teeth. Also, they are a pain to floss. However, they are not causing real problems with my mouth at all, i just willingly want them pulled. Is this okay? Is it safe to have all 4 done at once?

So if i get these teeth extracted, will my teeth shift at all? I REALLY do not want to wear braces more. I have had them off for nearly 3 years now and try to wear my retainer as much as possible. I also have a lower permanent retainer behind my front four teeth

Wisdom teeth extraction questions.?
Do not take this type of advice from a site like this!!! Talk to your dentist and orthodontist, they will give you the best advice for your situation. You should, also, talk to your oral surgeon before any procedure is done to see if he is in agreement with the other 2 doctors. They will be able to answer your questions knowledgably and help you to make the best decision for you. Good luck and I hope things work out the way you want.
Reply:I would also have them removed. The thing is most people do. They really serve no purpose.

I was told by my dentist that I needed all 4 out bc I had no room in my mouth for them (which is VERY common in patients). I pretty much was like yeah whatever bc I hate dentist but literally a few weeks later I ended up having slight discomfort in my mouth and when I woke up the next day my bottom teeth had shifted! I made an appointment the next day to get them out. Now my experience with removal was difficult but they were also impacted (which I think means they had to drill through your bone to actually get them out).

For you it should be as easy as extracting any molar which shouldn't hurt. If I went through 3 years with braces I would not risk it. However you should def. talk to your regular dentist and orthodontist to see if they have any concerns about the teeht shifting.

I actually have always had problems with my mouth. When I was 10 I had an expander. And although I needed braces bc of the pain I felt from the expander I begged my mom to let me wait on braces - biggest regret. Now I'm 24 and looking into them. My teeth aren't bad but I have a bit of bottom crowding thanks to the wisdom teeth. Now I have 2 molars up top that have shifted forward and are bugging me like crazy. So I too am thinking about voluntarily having them removed for comfort reasons.....hey it's our mouths we should be able to make the final decision.

good luck


my cat

Which teeth do children lose when they're younger? All of them? Or some of them?

My son is going to be 10 and he asked me this morning if he's done losing his teeth. I hate to admit that I didn't know, lol. Are children born with ALL baby teeth, or are some teeth they're born with permanent?

Which teeth do children lose when they're younger? All of them? Or some of them?

This website shows primary dentition and the ages the baby teeth come in. Click on the tab for Permanent Dentition on the yellow panel on the left of the page to see the ages the adult teeth generally erupt. All primary teeth are generally replaced by adult teeth (except in some cases where the patient is congenitally missing some teeth in which case heroic measures are taken to save the baby teeth).

Obviously the ages indicated in the sample are just a rough guide and can vary considerably in individuals.

We have 20 primary teeth and 32 adult teeth (including 4 wisdom teeth that don't erupt until late teens). If your son has lost all his baby teeth and got all his adult teeth he will have 28 in total right now.
Reply:all of them.
Reply:all of their teeth but the very back ones
Reply:Eventually children will lose all of their baby teeth's and replace by grown teeth's
Reply:All of them fall out but not all at once!it depends its mostly genetics but don't worry!
Reply:I lost all but my molar teeth by age 10 but didnt lose my molars til about 13
Reply:All except for any mollars that start growing in right about now.
Reply:Human beings have 2 sets of teeth, the baby teeth (milk teeth or primary teeth) which you have until 5 or 6 years old or so. Then you get the 32 permanent teeth. The last four molars (wisdom teeth can wait until the late teens to come in.

Tell you son that if he doesn't brush and floss, he is not done losing teeth but that any he looses now will not be replaced. At least not without paying alot of money.
Reply:The children's dentition consists of 24 teeth; an adult has 32. All of the baby teeth are eventually replaced. I don't recall at what age the last of the baby teeth are usually lost, but it's around ten; ask the dentist on your next visit.

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